Wednesday, January 30, 2013

well, I learned an important lesson

I decided to hop the bandwagon officially - not leaving blogger, but having another place to blog, I suppose sort of as backup. I had thought of doing this a few months ago, but for some reason or another, I hadn't until recently (I have a now, but it's just where I'm importing my current posts.) - so I was all excited about making my own domain name when I found out that you could do it "free"...then I found out about their secure domain names through wordpress sponsored sites, so I looked into the three that wordpress offers, the first one, bluehost is the one I sided with.

Wrong move. I had to cancel my credit card because their "3.95/mo" ended up being a repeat 142.00 withdrawal from my account repeatedly.

Luckily, since this only happened yesterday, and I went to my bank first thing in the morning, they cancelled my card before anything could really happen, and they're shipping me a new one. Minor inconvenience, and I was late to class, but that's fine because now I know that my money is secure, and I'm probably never going to try and buy a domain name again...

So, I got to class, still sore from monday's session (I never really did my stretches that I meant to do on tuesday because of work...), and anything I had to do that involved my abs really hurt to do...I walked in, class was dark, and they were doing ab work...this was the antonym of fun for me (I do actually use that phrase a lot in real life..."antonym of fun", 'cuz I'm a nerd).

But I got to hang out with some friends, which was fun. I've been fiddling a lot with the internet, so I've got my up now, I don't know why I didn't make one sooner. It was so simple. the only thing I don't like is that I've been trying to add my instagram and twitter for like 20 minutes, and I think it's not working... oh well.

that's all for now, guys. I hope we all have fun on superbowl Sunday. Anyone got plans?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Awesome class today!

I came in late, but worked hard, and that made up for it.

In other news, Aiden and I are getting ready to move within the next month, we of course have the place picked, we're just waiting for the date, and I couldn't be more excited!

I dragged him to school today so we could take care of some business later on, which we're gonna do in a few minutes, I'm just super excited about everything that's going on right now!

kk, I know it's a short post, but I'll post pics of things later. In the meantime, maybe you should check out my tumblr, 'cuz I normally do a bit more there, since I can be on it on my phone and not lose a post I just made lol. It's happened to me on blogger before, so i have to wait until I have a laptop with inernetz. :P

kk, bubyez guyz!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

a funny thing happened on my way to work this morning

I tried eating fast food this morning, and my body was like "what is this filth you give me?! Take it away"... I don't mind much, since I changed my eating habits to like 60-70% healthy, but at this rate, if I were to go 90% and have a cheat day, I'd regret it. not going back though...iblike eating healthier foods, I feel great when I do. I just didn't expect to feel miserable eating fast food this morning. Its not like this is the first time I've had fast food in a long time, either, but I guess my body is finally saying that it wants better from me. Oh well. :D:D:D more good food from now on, I guess XD

Thursday, January 24, 2013

weirdest encoutner EVERRRRR

Since my life's been pretty eventless, I found this to be strange to quite strange, indeed. But before I get to the randomness that was two nights ago, I have to tell you that I found a new way of applying my eyeliner, and it's completely fool proof! I love this new method SO much. Pics later (promise).

Sooo, anysnooch, couple days ago, i was working, and it was a stressful day anyway, the last day that I worked our outrageous sale (seriously, it was AMAZING). A co-worker who works in a different department than I do talked to me like I was an idiot instead of being civil (I saw her yesterday, and just the sight of me made her angry again, which is weird because a of all) I didn't do anything bad, b of all) I would have been civil to her if she had: a) stayed around (she literally came up to me, said things in a very rude voice and made sure to look all the way down her nose at me (neverminding that she's already like 6'5"....), turned around and walked off) , and b) not spoken to me like I was a complete buffoon, but karma, whatever, right?

So, I get off work, head to my bus, miss it by seconds, and wait for another. It's a sunday, so they're running slower than usual. I catch the next bus, and we have a bleeder. At first I thought nothing of it 'cuz people with nosebleeds tend to have tissues stuck up their noses to prevent their blood from getting all over. I half-noticed later that his tissues were out and there were splotches on his face and hands, but I was too busy playing videogames on my phone so I could forget about that rude girl at my job, and I was also contemplating how I'd interact with my coworkers later since they finally found out that I know spanish.

So, anyhousenwhosen, we're at the second stop - the airport, and the guy talks to the bus driver for a second, gets off the bus, and we wait. I figure he's getting more tissue, and go back to gaming. Then I realize we've been there for a while, and everyone who's getting on or off has already done so. Then I see the man heading back, so we pull up more to get him. I return to my phone, and realize that I'm going to miss the bus I wanted to catch, but no big, there's a bar, I can just head in and get like a sandwich or something.

So we get downtown, I've got an hour for the next bus, and I greet the bouncer, a random patron, and another random patron. I sit down, and the bartender asks what i want. I order a grilled cheese, and the dude I sit next to is all "put it on my tab" and I'm like extra confused at this point like who just pays for a random person's stuff at a bar? But anyway, the dude's like 45-50 or something, I thank him after making sure he's okay with paying for my food, and he also bought me a coke (but dont' take food or drinks from strangers, any of you lot. Hypocritical, I know.). I have an hour still (duh, this exchange took like seconds), so I decide there's no harm in talking to the guy. As it turns out, his son is my age, and a teacher in china, (he elected to teach abroad kind of like you can do in korea, if you teach english) his daughter has stolen is identity, he's infatuated with a lady from Louisiana, and he wants to go to the bahamas.

I've always enjoyed hearing other people's stories, so I pretty much just let him talk until it was time to catch my bus.

The next day, Aiden (don't think reading this is the first he heard of it, either. I told him as soon as he got home, and we had many laughs) and I walked around for an hour in -24 degree weather. I thought I lost my ID (only to find it today, funny story, one of my classmates who I met before class on the first day thinks I'm only in high school. You should have seen her face when I told her that I'm over 20.)

I have no desire to do that ever again.

I do, however have new goals:
1)Be the better person. In regards to that girl, next time I see her, flash a huge smile and just be polite. If she's rude to me, I'll politely let her know that I'm not to be walked over and treated like poop just because she hates her job (which is what it seems like for half of the people who have her job).
2) figure out when to/not to trust people. I've always had trouble with this one. Either I trust people and get hurt (around 85% of the time), or I trust no one, and seem like an angry introvert...I need to find the balance.
3) make more healthy meals
4) learn how to make a budget....yeah...never really learned...
5) eh...get more organized. I'm only organized on phones and computers. Don't give me paper or anything else...bad, I know.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Class was actually


awesome today!
we did a circuit training, and it included lifting! I’m so happy. we only have seven more sessions left, but I hope I can do more next week. if I don’t work next friday, I can come in and do a third day (my class is only mon/wed, but it’s better than nothing).
Also, I’ve been eating much better since my last wonderous trip to the grocery store.
I had the best ever yogurt parfait this morning (well, I was pretty full after the eggs I had. I tried to make a tostada with egg and salsa, but…that didn’t happen very well, so I had eggs and salsa.) My lunch was mediocre, but meat heavy, which I loved. I’ll finish my parfait when I get home, and then I get to make something with chicken for dinner. Oh, and maybe I’ll try to make a vinegrette for my salads, ‘cuz I have lettuce and cabbage now. I can toss in some carrots, celery and cucumber. Maybe hard boil an egg. ^_^

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

party pooping debbie downers

have you ever thought about the term party pooper? I'd rather not after typing that.

anyway, so many people are way the hell too negative, just last night I got talked down to at work for something that really wasn't too big of a deal, but that girl must have been having a bad day to begin with, but I left sooner than she did so it doesn't matter. But that's not what I wanna talk about.

I wanna talk about people who get sooooooooooooooooooo upset because something doesn't go their way. grow the hell up, no one gets what they want all of the time, oops, that's one new years resolution down...the swearing, well, I can fix that later, but anyway.

I'm seriously trying to stay positive, but there's always someone around who's talking about angry, upsetting things. They even turn holidays into poopfests because they can. Who gets joy out of that? No one. It's so much easier to be happy, at least, it's supposed to be, I think it's supposed to be, anyway. I'd like ti to be. one thing I really want is just somone who's always happy to just explode happy into my day, maybe not everyday, but most of them like, six days out of the week.

I'm just tired of feeling drianed by everyone's negative bullshit. I didn't ask for it, I don't want it, and I definitely don't need it. Especially when I've resolved to be happy. If you're pissed off because you feel like the world just shat on you (a of all) it probably didn't, b of all), find something else to do, like look at all the good shit you have going on. If you really can't find one thing...damn, dude...I dont' know what to tell you. but most people can find at least five things, and that really can be enough to make your day go by a bit better.) ...but don't bring that angsty crap around me. that shit should have died with your teenage years, but I guess some people never grow up.

anyway, if you even think about saying negative shit around me, just stfu because I'm sick of it. I hear it every day I cannot enunciate this enough EVERY DAY. Must I spell it? No, I dont' want to, that's too much work, I'm just gonna do some stretches, maybe a few sets of squats, and ...make my spongebob macaroni ^____________________________________________________^...or the madagascar lion looked cooler hee heehee

anyway, sorry to down you all. I hope you all had a splendid mlk day, I had a great shopping trip, kk, tafn, bye bye til later. I wish I could post daily for y'all. maybe another time, but buhbyez for real, lovies. <3  

Monday, January 21, 2013

I work out

well, it's a half week for school now.

I only get to use the gym on wednesday, but that's okay because holiday! WOOT WOOT!!!

I work on non-school days, which is great, 'cuz I like this schedule.

The only thing that really saddens me is that I don't get to work out more, also, we haven't been doing much in class, as I mentioned before. the first day was game day, after that, we just did testing to see where our bodies are at. we have another test in a month where we'll test our body fat again, but I don' tknow if much change can come by then. let's hope for the best though.

Another thing is that we're moving in march, I'm excited about it, really.

egh, I've hardly been posting and there's already not much news...but it's really weird to see customers so confused about the coffee shop. I'm sitting in here right now, and they don't know what to do with themselves, they just stared at it for a good half minute like "what? what's this? what do I do?" adorbz.

anyway, I guess that's all for now. I'll try to be more interesting in the future, and less sporadic....I hate not posting frequently...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

As promised, albeit much delayed

Here's a picspam of my bday, someone voted for food pics, so here you go.

This is my baby sister, well, the youngest, anyway. ^_^ She made the pancakes. 

Remember the cake I mentioned in an earlier post? well, I meant to anyway. Here's the cake they took home from Grandma's. 

My other sister made the eggs. ^_^ Whoops, they were gone....

And they both helped with the hashbrowns (we remembered that day. they forgot them for a bit the day before)

Here's my other sister. I got it wrong before, she made the pancakes, youngster made the eggs. She made them special. ^_^

And let's not forget the bacon!
Birthday was fun. How could it not be when it started with a home-cooked meal? ^_^

Thursday, January 17, 2013

pics n details up later

I promise pics and stuff up later. I've been so super busy lately with work and now school started.

I really like class so far, we haven't done any heavy lifting yet, which has me a little sad, but we have a good picture of where we are, and we'll be doing specific exercises now, which is good. I just hoep I can add squats and deadlifts.

but now I have to go 'cuz there's not that much time. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Birthday Trip!!!

Now that everyone’s awake, I’d like to type about my adventure so far. It’s been a really nice one, I even saw a really cute little red fox baby I think it was a baby, at least. I can’t tell. I’m in Mausden Wisconsin right now. It’s so warm here, not like in the forties or anything, but a helluva lot warmer than it was in mn.

It’s really peaceful out here on the road. I’ll post pics u soon. I’m on the megabus, and I’m in the front row on top. It almost looks like I’m the one driving, minus a steering wheel and stuff.

I finaly got a jumbo ass moon pie. They only  raised the price like 20 cents or something, I don’t even care. They’re like impossible to find back home. I just texted mom about that. You have no idea how awesome this feels. I thought I”d get nauseous being on top like I normally do, but that’s only when I sit on one of the side seats, I guess.
Unfortunately, there’s no working chargers, or I would have gotten to this sooner.
I got a visit from my stepdad recently, he drove me to the bus this morning. It as a nice visit, but very short, I had to wrork this weekend, otherwise I’d have hung out longer.
Well, anysnooch, there’s no outlets that work so I’m gonna shut’r down. That’s a bout it for part one, I’ll post a second one probably closer to Chicago or something. (Hopefully that bus inll have working outlets.)
My trip was pretty fun, really. Once I got home, we didn’t do much, but the next day was pretty full. I visited with my gran andgra dma (my gran is my great grandma, I normally call her gram, idky , just have since I was little I guess.) We got really good footage of her and our family history, I found out why I have my mom’s last name and not the same one as my grandma, which was c ool o learn, and last night (my birthday) I learned that once when I went to visit my cousin at school, I must’ve snuck off when I was supposed to be sitting in the back (I was three, do you really expect a three year old to sit still that long? ) Anyway, she found me sitting on some dude’s lap arguing abou the klingons and ferengis. Cool to know that my infoz were accurate, and she’s the one who started me and my mom on star trek, I always thought it was my mom.
For my birthday, my gramma let me choose whatever I wanted, so I got apair of comfy boots (that I can also wear to work, yay!), an underarmor-ish shirt for my classes next semester (four days! AAAGH!!!! I’m really excited though, I just didn’t realize how fast winter break went by!), and an arm band so I can work out with my ipod (which is basically new and doesn’t have the issues I always have with those freaking headphone jacks not working…I hate that!)
Anyway, before we went shopping, I was craving popeyes for the longest, so we went there, my other grandma bought me a cake and ice cream, funny story here, she had no idea that I’m the only one in my family who doesn’t eat the chocolate cake (always makes me feel sick after the first bite, where I can normally have a small piece of any other cake), and that I’m lactose intolerant. But my aunt who lives with her is too, so she gave me some dairy pills ^_^.
They felt bad about it, so I ate the chocolate flower on the cake at least, the kids took what they didn’t eat of the cake home with them, so it didn’t go to waste.
I set up skype for my gramma, and then we went homej. One of the nights we stayed up watching goodburger and fringe. Oh no! I left fringe!!!!! I hope Aiden isn’t too mad..I didn’t realize I left it, and I’m the one who wanted it so bad!!! Oh no…well, mom’s mailing me a book, maybe she can just throw it in, too. Poop, I wanted to watch the animated episode on the bus….Oh well.
Now I’m on my way back home, and I need to charge my lappy. The outlets are working now.  You have NO idea how happy I am about this. Well, earlier I posted that the outlets weren’t working on my last two busses, which was irritating, because instead of blogging and movie watching, I slept….and slept.

So much fun! Now, back to real life hee hee. ^_^

Friday, January 4, 2013


I know it's late, but Happy New Years.
Let's jump right into it, eh?

Most people make resolutions every year, and I’ve never known if they’ve actually followed through all the time. I just know it’s generally assumed that we don’t see them through.
Recently, I was on tumblr, and I saw this pic that said “New years, The time when gym registration lines are longest” or something. It yielded one laugh in the comments, and a slew of hate, because I guess (this wasn’t’ my impression from it, but I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes), it was to shame people who decide to have “getting fit” as their new years resolution, and join a gymto make it easier, since they generally don’t know where to start.
Then I realized that I don’t’ see a lot of noob shaming on tumblr or fitness blogs/fitblrs or wherever else, in all actuality, I typically see a lot of support, but everyone knows there’s a few bad apples everywhere who want to ruin it for the rest. They often forget that they started somewhere, too. Very few people go into a gym their first time knowing what to do, and even then, I’m sure pros have  been offered tips once in a while.

But that’s not what I’m on about today. I really just wanted to share some of my resolutions with you all before it’s actually time to post them. I guess there’s never really a “time” , as you can start resolving mid-year, but it’s just a thought.
My first: get fit the healthy way. Especially after reading how deadly shortcuts can be (or that after getting lipo your fat can just grow back in weird places, like you get it taken off your legs, but then it comes back on your arms…just…doesn’t sound pleasant to me…)
My second: build endurance. I’ve yet again surprised myself with how little I have.
Third: make my handwriting neater…I’ve made it better since last year, but there’s definitey room for improvement, especially at a faster pace. I often try to write as fast as I type. Not something I can do. I’ve been using computers since I was a tot.
4) improve my Korean and Spanish. I’m getting a head start on the Spanish.
5) Be more patient.  I often forget that just because I know something doesn’t mean others know it as well, so I’ll explain in English tha makes sense to me since I do it often and forget some details, then I invariably get exasperated when I’ve explained twice and the other party still doesn’t’ get it.  I’m not sure why this happens, but I am working o better myself with it, because this only results in two very frustrated individuals.
I also need to take better care of my insides. I’m lactose intolerant, there’s no reason that I shouldn’t be able to remember this next time I order a pizza. I’ve had pizza without cheese before, and I thoroughly enjoy it. I also can’t have pinapples, cooked or not. The irritation is less when they’re cooked, exponentially less, even. Doesn’t change the fact that my body rejects them in some way, so I should not partake in anything pineapple related.
Also, I’ve found out that when I’m just trying to be pleasantly helpful, I come off as sarcastic, or maybe those customers were just assholes, wait, no, those customers were just asswipes, nevermind. I know I’m damn pleasantly helpful when I’m trying to be helpful, but this brings me to my next resolution – cut the swearing. I know just about everyone does it, but I think I’m a bit excessive sometimes, which isn’t becoming.

Also, I'll stop complaining as much, there's a statistic out (they can be pretty bogus, but I"ll share anyway), well, it doen'st even really count by definition of statistics, but still, it's out there that people apparently complain 23 times a day. I don't count myself, but I know that I could complain less than I do. 

I think that’s all for now. There’s really so much going on again that I’ll be absent for a while. There’s literally two days a week where I don’t work, so they’re typically the days where I get my other necessary tasks done, so I’m not sure I’ll be able to blog on those days, either. Maybe I’ll be more regular when school starts up again. I’ll only have three classes, but I don’t know how many work hours yet. Hopefully a lot ^_^

Thursday, January 3, 2013


 Egadz, have I ever been busy, guys. Running around with friends, also at work (I refuse to stand still, so it’s a good thing there’s a “no standing still” rule at my job.). It’s so big, buys. I wasn’t able to get pictures, ‘cuz I didn’t have anyone to take pics of me (sadface), but soon, you’ll see some stuff. I really want to get one of our hi-low skirts, they’re so cute, but Idk what I’d match it with, but I’m smRt, so I’ll figure it out.
I swear, with all the running around I do there ( I work roughly 6 hrs on work days, sometimes more, other times less, but the shifts are typically 6 hours, I think.) Well, anyway, I should have burned like a bazillion calories, lol. I hope so, anyway. But, I have other good news! I’m normally in one of the front sections, so even though I’m running around trying to find where clothes go in other sections, I’ve never not noticed that we do still have a sporty section! I can still have cute workout clothes next semester, guys! Hahahhahahhah
Oh, we also got a new housemate, somewhat temporarily, I think. Anyway, It’s been loads of fun having him around, did I tell you guys that I like videogames and that he brought some over? I swear, for the last few days, we’ve been playing tekken and sonic for many hours. I forgot how fun it was to be some of my favorite characters.

And some of our snow melted, making it easier to walk around (the ice is gone, too. I hate ice, unless iti’s in my drinks, otherwise, it can die. I don’t like cold things.

I’ve also used the sauna a few times. I like to deep condition my hair in there. It’s great, ‘cuz the heat gets all over evenly, instead of having to aim it a certain sections of my hair for a little while, then moving it. I’ve also noticed that my ends ahven’t been getting crispy. Ihaven’t ben using as much heat. I’ve noticed that cutting down definitely helps. I don’t flat iron as much, any more. In fact, I didn’t flat iron a couple times, and noticed that my hair was still holding up pretty well, and looking straight enough, even though I only ever wear buns, now.
But my semester is finally over. I’m so happy! No more stress for a while! Stress sucks booty! Hopefully your semesers are also almost over, too.
Now, I’m going to work on improving my fridge. I’ve bought celery, another pomegranate (they’re seriously SO tasty!), cucumber, ham, tortillas (the mini kind, I’m trying to ease carbs out of my diet, so I figure getting these, I won’t be eating actual bread, then I can cut these out…eventually. I know not all carbs are bad, but I want to see how well I can do without them for a while.)  I really do like fruits and veggies. I also really like meat. Mmm, meat! Oh, and I apparently still have some salmon, so I’ve got to figure out what I’m going to do with it.

One of my friends gave me insanity, I haven’t checked to see if they work, but I’ll see soon. I’ve wanted to try insanity for a while, so now that I have it, I can’t wait!

I guess that’s all for now. I’ll be apretty busy this week, so I’ll proably have more next week. You’ll probably get mini updates from my phone if I can, though. 
