Sunday, September 2, 2012

Finally some structure!!!

I am one of the few people on earth who is happy the weekend's almost over!

I know, "who would be happy about the weekend being over? Grrr, you cray!" is probably along the lines of what you're thinking.

I'm so excited because this weekend is the start of structure.

See, I work on the weekends, early in the morning, to early afternoon, and then I have the rest of the day pretty much to do whatever I like. However, it's the waking up early that kills me.

I saw my boss doing the schedule today, and she's penned me down for hours I can really work with. I only work weekends, and days I have school. Every other day, I'm off. So, Sat/Sun: work. Monday: off (I can never have a case of the Mondays! XD) Tuesday: work. Wed: off. Thur: work. Fri: off.

It's a pattern I can really live with. I actually enjoy my work days, really. The only thing I wish is that I could also study during downtime, because there's just so darn much of it that I don't know what to do with myself.

Anysnooch, With all this structure, I can pretty much always feel certain that I know exactly what I'm doing most of the week. Which leaves me to my own devices on the other three days.

I won't bore you any more with what we all know I'm doing tomorrow, but I will sound like a completely responsible adult (read: nerd...) when I say that I'll be finding places to study on my days off once monday is over with.

No offense to any nerds, they're awesome. So, back to the business, besides studying, I need to find a hobby or two for my days off. I can pick up the clarinet again just fine, which I probably will do, along with my guitar. But what I really want to do is get back to ring making. As it turns out, the artsy town I live/work in has many people who do a lot of artsy things, and metal work is one of them. If I could, I'd love to take an apprenticeship up with that particular artist. But I don't know how to go about it. :(

However, where there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure I can make it happen. Other than that, I need to find use for my typing skills. One dentist says that I'd be useful around october as a receptionist, but that's so far away...

I'd like to take up the longboard. I used to play around with a friend's longboard in the dorms. Those were fun times.

Anysnooch, now I'm just rambling. More later. ^_^

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