Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Things that irk me to death on the bus.

I’m a frequent bus rider, so there are a LOT of things I see that maybe I would not have otherwise experienced had I driven a car most places (some things, however are outside, anyway, so if you’ve got windows, there’s no getting away, lol.)

Anyway, I’m pretty much an introvert, unless I’m with good friends. I do not like to socialize with strange people on the bus. Unfortunately, there are a lot of strange people on the bus. There are also smelly people.

I can understand that sometimes people are rushed out of the house with not even time to get dressed properly, but there’s such a thing as making time. I don’t have any children to get ready for pre-school or anything, so it really doesn’t matter what time I get up so long as I’m on the bus with ample time to dink around before school, and my clothes don’t matter because a of all) I’m not walking out like absolute trash, and b of all) I don’t actually have to look “professional”. (Being a bus rider, I’m not the only one who doesn’t, of course).

So, anyway, my most recent pet peeve was when I got onto the bus after a late lunch, and all of my bags/whatnots are comfortably adjusted. I begin reading, and am in my “comfy zone” which also happens to be the “do not interrupt!  
" zone.

Well, anyway, there I am, peacefully reading, minding my own business (and pretty much the only one on the bus), when this guy, obviously trying to start conversation says to me “you’re ready for winter, huh?” A of all) yes, it was cold when I left the house, and unless it’s uncomfortably hot for most people, I’m completely fine in a hoodie, this one was fur lined (fake fur, of course, ‘cuz it’s aeropostale), and b of all) I was wearing my bearclaw boots ‘cuz well, see above, it was COLD when I left the house, and to me, it was still cold outside. However, this is not “winter ready” to me.
I ignored him.

Did I ask him to interact with me? Obviously not. Was I the only one “ready for winter”, not that I observed. And in my opinion, I was not, in fact, ready for winter. I was ready for it to be 46 degrees outside when I left the house. And knowing that I was coming back late, it would again be cold once it got dark. Did I owe this freak any explanation? No. Am I being mean by calling him a freak? Yes. I just think that if someone is reading, they have every right to do so in peace. Of course, I'd get arrested if I verbalized my thoughts in these instances, 

I also hate when people try and talk to me when I’m wearing my headphones because 99%of the time, my music is on, and I can’t hear them anyway, I generally don’t know the answer to their question, and I’m again not interested in communicating with anyone when all I want to do is listen to my kpop. WHY is that so much to  ask? I don’t interrupt other people’s days uneccesarily.

I’m an introvert, I like to be left alone when I’m going about my business. Why is that so hard for others to comprehend?

Too bad this never works for me. :P

I know, I’m being dramatic. Do I care, obviously not, since I just ranted about it. 

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