Monday, October 29, 2012

'nother review coming soon

stupid computer! I wasn't even done typing....ugh...

well, anyway, promise another review coming up, I'm just really busy with school and stuff, so when I finally know something to review, I'll do it. Srsly, school is kicking my flippin' derriere. In the most unkosher of fashions!...yeah...I don't think that sentence worked out too well...ignore it.

anyway, I have been more active online, which is one of my goals for when I become a full-time student again, to manage my social and academic lives well. (I used to slack on one while being too involved in the can guess which if you like...nvm, don't...anyway, back to schoolwork...ugh!) 

Friday, October 26, 2012

That stuff I don't like (not vid...)

Hi, guys. I'm going to do a "that's that shiz I don't like" post, but I'm not a vlogger yet, and I'm still in a coffee shop (I just got here...)'d be a bit...rude, I think, to do a vlog. Also, some people do these "stuff I don't like" vlogs, and like less than halfway through, I'm bored because they'll spend like 3.7503459847397530 minutes on one topic... like...someone doesn't like soggy cereal. That's great, but let's not beat a dead horse, kay?

So, anysnooch, this one's fresh in my mind as it just happened less than .5hrs ago. This bit isn't the shit I don't like, I mean, I don't like it, but it doesn't technically count.

YOu're about to cross the street, still walking full speed, 'cuz're a fast walker, and the person in front of you stops less than halfway across the street, like RIGHT THE FUCK IN FRONT OF YOU, to CHAT with their *insert whoever they're with* still in the street...that's that shit I don't like. I'm going full speed, and you want to chat in the STREET? Pretty sure I'm not trying to get killed. Right of way or not, you aren't the only mofo walking around.

So, I proceed to walk around them (I do this often to slow walkers...not a fuck given), and the wife says "don't let her walk in front of you"...are you telling him to do something? slap me? what? Does he abuse you at home? That makes it okay for him to put his hands on me? (I'm speculating right now, she probably wanted him to make me say "excuse me"...Idk, but my bf and I had places to go (him, work, me, ...I should be studying but this pissed me off...) So, yeah...she was trash talking as they walked along, but so was I (we could both hear each other...Yeah...neither of us acted like adults, but again, NOT A FUCK WAS GIVEN on either side.

Slow walkers. You know the fb page "I secretly want to punch slow walkers in the back of the head"? I had a friend who would step on the front of people's feet from behind them if they were walking too slow (he was a tall ass mofo). I just walk around them. I don't have rearview mirrors, so...yeah... but people who work every day seem to walk like they don't have anywhere to go most of the time. It's happened to me too, several times, sometimes when I think I'm walking at least nearly full speed, but then I just pick up the pace. (these two are probably my biggest pet peeves.)

cliquey mofos. 'cuz I work with them. but you lot already knew that.

the cold: Does anyone ACTUALLY like to be cold? I didn't think so.

Pineapples: Not even because of allergy reasons.

Watermelon: it tastes gross and has a weird texture.

If I go on too long, it's gonna be like "1st world problems", which is another thing I can't stand...some of those complaints are extra trivial. i mean, of course, they're probably some things I've complained about once or twice, but  "can't find light switch...scared of dark"...seriously.... >.>  <.< >.<

K, hope to read some chizzes you lot don't like. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yup, it's thursday, so you already know. Same place and time, but the music hasn't started yet, and it probably won't for another 1.5 hours...They keep pushing the time back, and I always keep hoping I won't have to hear the same "singer" before the actual music starts.

No, guys, please don't think I"m mean. I think it's great that she's pursuing her dream...just...not at my ears expense and I'm not sure why no one told her that her voice is neither sultry nor sweet...nor easy on anyone's ears.

So anyway, I await in anticipation for The FeelGood (which also sounds good!). I can see some dude setting stuff up, which is great I mean, the stage is pretty well laid out, but I miss my black fish movement. Their singer...WOW Idk why they aren't famous already, to be honest.

welp, rambly time. I've been nervous about my upcoming speech for a while, but someone, and I"m not sure who, ater a very nervous person's speech casually said "It's not the end of the world", which is true. We sometimes forget that hen we're about to present in front of classmates, well, I never really thought it was, but just hearing that really helped me. Idk why. rambly, 'cuz ...I got distracted by other facets of the internet...srry, y'all. 

Who's on First?

Such a fun skit, you guys should check it out,
but I'm really writing today because I hven't for...a long time.

MOnday was pretty fun, really, I probably talked about that last time, though. It's been getting so chilly around here, though, so I only keep the warmer days in mind. Oh, but I can talk about sunday during tear down, it's just something I've been remembering for a bit.

Biker doesn't work sundays anymore, which is ok, 'cuz she has workshops that she teaches and stuff, and it wasn't terrible, because the Ringleader wasn't there, neither was her somewhat oafish sister, seriously, that girl has no manners. Anyway, so we were tearing down, and Black came back (he got the day off 'cuz his adorbz kids came over) to help, so I was standing there with Blue, and Tallboy (he wasn't introduced before), so anyway, we were all joking around about Blue and her lack of a height, and Tallboy suggested that she wheel the demon in (I don't know waht it's actually called, but that beast is heavy. It's where we cook the stuffs). I told him that the thing tosses me around, and it would run her over. He just kinda looked at me like "you fatty...shut up".

I'm pretty sure I'm not fat. I may only be a head taller than blue (literally...), but I'm within the normal weight range, and though I would like to get smaller (we all know I'm working on this), I'm not fat, and the fact that our cooking station literally pulls me the f around CANNOT be discounted. It does. Hell, it pulls Black around. Now I know why I've never seen any of the other girls wheel that monster in. (And I've vowed to never do it again.)

So, anysnooch, have you guys ever heard of a thirties burger? Probably not, I hadn't until high school, and I haven't heard of one since. Well, here's some picspam for you.

It's supposed to be burger with chicken on it, from what I recall

Hefty, innit? 

Well, there were fries, too. Heckuva Boiga, 'eh? 
Heh, we got bored at bk...well...more like "I got curious at bk", lol.

I have to do an elevator speech today. How do I look?

I tried for a natural make, and my hat was wet by the time I got to school. Wow, I don't think you can even see any makeup on me...Poo. I have bb cream, blush, mascara, natural eyeshadow, and some (very little) lipstick. Well...I guess natural make is supposed to look like bareface...

Kk, I'll b back with more later, as it's thursday. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Takin' care of business

again...I'm heading off to the uni soon to do some application related stuff, but in the meantime, I need to make a post since it's been a while.

I found bananas! they were in the store, so I bought them, because the prices were great! However, I also found that two bananas for breakfast isn't enough. I may have to start bringing some around with me, which means my stash will deplete rather quickly.

I didn't go to the bike shop last week, as a) I got sick, and b) homework. But those things have sorted themselves out, and I should be free to do all of the bike repair-learning stuff that I was doing before.

Also, this is what I'm really excited about, you guys know that I went on a gigantic group date not too long ago, right? Well, I already know where the next one will be, and all we need to know now is what night we'll all be heading out. I'm so excited! It's another Thai restaurant. It's called Ruam Mit Thai. After that, I get to plan one, and it'll be a little restauraunt near my place, because I've been curious about it so long, and it'll give us some more variety, not that there's anything wrong with Thai food, but just limiting yourselves to one culture's cuisine...Doesn't float my boat too much - I mean, when I cook food, I'm always mixing it up. Mexireacan? Yes.

But I should probably end this post now, because I have to get there before four thirty, or they'll be closed and my plans will be thwarted.

Oh, but before I go, does anyone reading this have a twitter, because I think I just got mass followed by some bots, but I'm not sure how to tell. I mean, for one, most of them are either Brazilian (from what I can tell...they speak portuquese, at least...) or Japanese. I'd just like to read my feed and understand what's being tweeted at me. (i.e. either english, or Korean lessons. Spanish is accepted, and while I do understand some of the portuguese, I can't speak/type it back because, well...I didn't study that. I studied spanish formally, french because...well, I have a french book and why not, and some others for equally rediculous reasons.)

kk, bye for real this time.

also, I FINALLY got my freaking cyworld back...well, I never lost it, but I forgot the password, I guess, so I tried FOREVER to change it, and it just wasn't working until like...five minutes ago. SUCH a headache.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lol, thursday twofer

might end up being a threefer...anyway, I cut my last post kinda short for brainfart reasons, but another thing I wanted to talk about was the fact that I really love to do my kpop dances, which I havent done in a few days...bad me.

anyway, I do them, alter the pace according to how well I actually know the dance (thanks for vlc player, lulz), and invariably end up the sweatiest mofo I know. I always have the videos on shuffle, and I go until I can't anymore, usually like...6 vids? Yeah, I probably posted about the dances before, but they're my main method of excercise, except the "weight lifting" after work on the weekends. (our equipment is...heavy.) However, I've caught myself lip syncing and singing along while im dancing...then I stop and try to put all of my focus into the dance, but ...I always end up singing or syncing again. I need more dances!!!!!!! However, I'm currently only interested in kpop. I'm sure other types of pop have fun cool moves, but...I'm a kpop fan, But I would like to learn dancehall. It looks like fun.

So, things that are actually going on, and nevermind my typos, I'm on a macbook, and freaking...trying to get a right click on one of these wonderful....pieces of equipment... I was assigned to make a linkedin for my class, and somehow, someone ended up calling my job for a reference or something like that...I can't tell if my boss was mad (he asked if I was looking for another job. I'd only kind of daydreamed about it, honestly), but I had no idea anyone was calling my job, and I've still not heard anything on the anon's part...

but I'm such a big fan of rice - especiallly sticky rice, but...I ate all my I need more. I mean, I've still got black rice,'s not sticky like they make it at the hmongtown market, so I probably got the wrong kind. However, I bet it's healthier for me than the other stuff, so I'll make some of that and just try to preserve it for a while (I have a terrible rice addiction. I make rice, and I WILL eat all of it.) Not saying I make pots of rice and eat the whole thing all at once,'s normally gone within a week... I know, there's no cohesion here...(is there ever?)

But for a while, I may have told you guys this...I was eating kimchi like every day , sometimes twice a day...I found out that you can and probably will O.D on that stuff. It probably also didn't help that I was having larger portions of it than are probably natural for...any living human being, Korean or not...But it just TASTES SO GOOD!!!!! But I realize that I do have a problem. That stuff does not last long around me...

Things I want to eat more: bananas, cherries (nevermind that I got nine yesterday at the bar (I ordered a hot cocoa and cherry pepsi)), spinach, but only if I can have caesar on it (I really miss the old spraybottle dressings...well, I can't mss them, because I never got to use them, but if they could make a sprayable caesar, I'd be all over that stuff), and baked chicken, but those things are not in season (I work near a farmer's market). Yes, I know, I can just go to the store for them, and eventually I will, they're just on my cravings list.

But onto hair. Mine looks ... terrible down. Pigtails: fine. Bun, even better. Two buns, sometimes rediculous because i can't ever get them to look the same so I usually give up and go to pigtails or single bun of varying altitudes, but once, I tried to just wear my hair down, and it...i'll stop there. I think my hair's just at an awkward stage, and once it gets longer, it'll look alright. The longest part in the back (as I may have mentioned before) is APL, but the rest is basically just shoulder/bangs. I know it takes time, but it seems to be taking FOREVAAAAR. However, I'm making progress, because before my last relaxer, my edges were like...too short for a ponytail, but just like, barely, so I could clip them up and hide it, but I felt like clipping it made them shorter, which is another reason I'm glad to not be in the dorms anymore, because in the cafeteria, no matter what your hair looked like, you had to be hat/scarf/hoodless, unless your religion dictated otherwise, nevermind being legitimately too cold. So, anway, my edges are long enough to get in there, but I'm always worried about my ponytails being too tight or something. I just want my hair to be an even length, but I don't want to lose any of the length I've go, 'cuz that would be contary to my goal, which I stated in my last post.

Did I ever tell you guys that I want to learn Muay Thai? I do. That and capoeira. I kind of tried before, but my instructors were also just learning, themselves, so...while it counts for something, it's not the same as learning formally, which I think would be epically awesome.

I need to relax my hurrrrrrrrr

Yeah...I didn't think there were enough "r"'s in ..."hur" that even how you properly misspell it? Conversely, why am I worried about a "proper misspelling"...which is an oxymoron, isn't it?

Well, anyway. I came to the realization today that my hair most definitely needs to be relaxed. I've been stretching for...well, let's see...when's the last time I actually relaxed? People are supposed tokeep track of when they do this, but see, the last time I relaxed, I was using my last phone's calendar, and since my last phone s officially dead, I can't look back at it. I can, however, check my fb pics and see which one on which date has my hair looking most newgrowth free, since I generally take pics at least the day after my relaxer (it's so flat day of that I dont' even bother, mater how epic of a style I manage to come up with)...yeah, that epic style bit was a lie. I can't come up with epic hair...not that talented, lolz.

k, so results yielded, but at first I thought they weren't. I relaxed my hair in august, and haven't messed with it since, I think. except that one time where I put henna in it. I'd do that again if it weren't such a messy process. Did I tell you guys about that? I litz had henna stains on my hands for like...a couple weeks.

Well, anysnooch, yeah. It's about time for another relaxer, which i'm talking about in place of my fundip candy review. I know I was all excited about it, but I'm getting to be a bit over candy, and it's not even halloween yet...that's not cool for me.

So anywayz, I'm ever in pursuit of hair knowledge that will help me in my goal to have hip length hair. My mom did, one time, and it was so cool. Then she got a hair cut...Not short, was back to mid back length, which she's had since forever. I mean, yeah, it's probably just the length she prefers her hair, but...I've always wanted like stupid long hair.

No real reason, really. Just seems fun. I know it's more work, for sereals, but ...yeah, I'm about to start typing myself into circles. Did I ever tell you who my favorite kpop star is?

Well, I will. Her name is Park Bom, and this si beginning to feel familiar, so I'll just post a pic of her.

I love the haircolor!! 

So, yeah. Otherwise, there's not much going on here. 

Welp, have a good day, guys. ^__^

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Count Chocula Bar and Cocky MF's

Hey, guys. I'm back with another review! I freaking love Count Chocula so much, it's rediculous, but first, I have to tell you guys this before I forget it. 

So, I'm watching This video by JayFluent (I was just perusing his vids and clicked on this one after a couple of others), and he said something that I would have responded to there (youtube), but I felt it more useful to put it here, instead. He said that a larger girl got mad at him for not liking him, and then asked "is that even fair?". I'm sure this has happened to you lot before, you're walking down the street, minding your own, and some guy comes up all "ay, ay shawty, ay, how you doin', can I get yo number, guuuurl?" (exaggeration, yes, but you get my point) and you're all either a) continuing to mind your business, b) politely declining, or c) having a really bad day and letting him have it ruthlessly (k, in my defence, it was a stalker that time.) So, anyway, he gets mad at you for either a) not responding, or b) declining. 

Fair? No. You aren't obligated to like someone just because they like you. If that were the case, believe me, the world would be a far worse place than it is now. However, there's not much you can do about it, unfortunately. So, without any further ado (and I hope you enjoy the JayFluent vid(s), in case you keep watching them, here's my review of the count chocula cereal bar. 

 Seriously, what looks unappealing about these? Well, if you like chocolate, chocolate, marshmallows, ghosts, chocolate and probably more chocolate all at a whopping 100 cals, then, yeah, what could you NOT like about these wonderful treats? 

The taste is: chocolatey. It’s just like eating count chocula cereal, excelt it’s chocolatier because the bar is held together with …well, chocolate! It’s great! Kind of like getting to drink the chocolatey milk out of the bowl once you’re done eating it. (This was once the only way I’d have chocolate milk…well…if I could still have normal milk, it would be. I’ll do soymilk in a hearbeat, though, once I get more count. It’s so crunchy, too! The little marshmallows add an extra note of sweetness! Aah, for a sweet tooth like me, this is incredible. The only thing I don’t like about the bar is that it leaves a prickly feeling in my throat, where the cereal doesn’t. (Yes, I reviewed as I ate it, and checked my cereal as a just in case.)

Blast, that one came out a bit blurry, but you can still see it pretty well. 

Well, of course food photography makes it look better on the box, but I still F'd that S up. No lie. (Seriously, though, what's with people saying that they're gonna "F*** up some *insert whatever food said individual is about to consume here*" I don't actually get it.) 

So, yeah. It essentially just tastes like the cereal, but better, since that was somehow possible. Except for the minor throat irritation factor, but it's all good, 'cuz eating some of the actual cereal remedied the situation rather rapidly. I can't wait to get more of these. You get like, eight in a box, and it took me and Aiden to get through each of ours. (We each got a box, and they were AWESOME). 

So, here's the ingredients. 

...K...So...I don't have the box anymore....and I can't find them online. (I've tried a few different word combos...) so...I'm sorry? It's just more chocolate than the cereal, so...I can give you the cereal's ingredients...and hope that helps...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

True Thai and Candy Corn (pic heavy and kinda long, but enjoy it anyway)

I was finally able to get out with people and have a great time last night, which was a bunch of fun. I've been excited about this group date (which was originally supposed to be a double date that exponentialized rather quickly) since I heard about the original food group.

We went to a restaruant in a neighborhood where my mom used to have her old business (I had no idea it was so close to her old job), it's called True Thai.

Aiden and I ordered sukiyaki noodles and pad see yew, respectively. Both "Thai Hot", along with some curry puffs (sweeter than I expected, with a sweet sauce - absolutely delicious), and Anna's Fried Bananas with coconut ice cream (I didn't know it was an option, but the waiter asked if I wanted it, so of course, I said "Yes!". You should have seen me light up like a little kid, lol.

So, here are pictures of what we ate.
These are the Satay noodles. They put a carrot flower in there - cute, huh? He got pork. 

I thought it was nicely presented. I also like all the colors in there. But when they say "Thai Hot", they are not kidding! I enjoy spicy (remember the ghost chili wings?), so does Aiden, but maybe we'll order...medium? Next time.

This is the Pad See Yew. 

The large, flat brown noodles are probably the largest noodles I've had at a restaurant. very nice. I think there was bak choi in there, not sure, really. forgot to ask, and the chicken was GREAT!

I loved the rice (pretty much normal rice, but I like how they piled it in such a cute shape. I had something similar once, with the rice, pork and a sauce. very tasty. 

The curry puffs actually came first (from our order), and that's the sweet sauce I mentioned earlier. I really liked them (there were like, five in the order, I think.) 

The drinks come in boots (aside from water). I thought that was the cutest thing ever. However, the menu was a bit misleading, I think. It offered "Thai Lemonade", but it tasted just like..."American" lemonade. I was hoping that there would be a difference, as the name implied. I've never ordered "Chinese lemonade" just because I was at a Chinese restaraunt, you know? That's my only point there. 

This was amazing. The bananas are coated in a batter, and lightly drizzled with chocolate sauce (along with the ice cream), then you cut into it, and it's like a gooey banana heaven! Almost like banana wontons, but so delicious! Not that the banana wontons arent, this was just a tasty alternative. 

Here is the fortune cookie that comes with your bill. You pull the fortune out, read it, and of course, eat the cookie. It tasted thick and sweet ( I know thick isn't a taste, but it's thick compared to a Chinese restaurant fortune cookie (which are really an American invention)), and maybe a bit sweeter with a nutty undertone.

I want to put more lighting in there, so then you could see what I wore better. Ignore the white stain on the mirror, I got the mirror at a warehouse outside of an artist's studio. (No, I didn't steal it). It's just a bit of paint. Anyway, you can see the blazer hoodie, my I <3 Life bag, and a white top. I'm wearing a red lace cami under it (very long, by the way), a brown belt over the white sweater, and some brown knee high merona boots. Oh, and a pair of jeans. Blue jeans. Mostly, it was thrifted, except the cami, which I got at the Hmongtown Market, the sweater that I got from a friend, and I think I got the bag at a plato's closet. 

I did a very simple ulzzang make and wore my lenses. It got notice, which was kinda cool. 
Sorry it's blurry, we were on the bus, and I don't have a steady hand whatsoever. If you look closely, you can probably see that my fingers were done differently, I did mostly black nails with a stripe of red, except on the middle fingers where I inverted it, red nails with a black X. (I was very bored, and figured that even though my pinky nails are the longest on my hands, there was more room on the middle ones. :P I've been playing with designs lately, like this one from when I was going to work. 

That's my "I woke up at 6 am and didn't put makeup" face. 

Anyway, now, it's time for the candy corn. 

It has orange and yellow cotton candy, but they're very pale shades. 

See, you can hardly tell the difference. I'm not sure how to describe the smell, either.  It's not like candy corn, I can say that much. But it isn't unappealing, either. 

Here you can see all the nutritional goodies, and the ingredients, if you look hard enough. Sugar, artificial flavors and colors (yellow #5, yellow #6 (which is probably why the difference in color seems so subtle.) 

As for taste, I'd give it a b, I guess. Texturewise, well, it feels like cotton candy, which is great, 'cuz that's what it is. I remember eating different colored cotton candy as a kid, too. Now, i usually stick to pink, purple, and blue. I prefer blue. I think it's really just a color thing, though, because I can never tell the difference in taste unless they put a strange one in there, like "green apple", "grape", or something rediculous like that. 

tomorrow, I'll put up my review of the count chocula bar, if I can find my camera cord. Thursday, I'll do the cherry fun-dip, and if I can find internet on friday, I'll do the red vines. (I love red vines). 

Ooh, I also have a nice tip for if you need to remove difficult makeup. (I made the mistake of buying a waterproof eyeliner (liquid, of course) from  a drugstore and until this product, I would either scrub the death out of my face trying (and failing) to remove it, or just wait it out after a normal wash. (I like to use noxema, because it feels so extra clean.) Anyway, there's this blue clearasil (I think) product, I'll review that sometime too. (I found out this morning before I left for school. I just figured I'd try it, and wouldn't ya know it, the clearasil (or whatever it is) worked. 

Oh, but before I go, here's an epic rap battle I hope you haven't seen. I posted it because we talked about the debates on our way back, and Romney made a comment about the 47%, if you didn't know. I'm sure it's on youtube, as well (the debate, that is), but it had me laughing very hard. check it out there. 

Anyway, that's all for now, guys. <3<3

Update later today, promise

I promise later today I'll have a big update for you. I forgot my camera cord, so my review of the count chocula bar will have to wait (It's one of the things I was reviewing for 31 days of blogging), but I can give you a review of candy corn cotton candy, and a Thai restaurant I went to last night with Aiden and a large group of couples. It was fun, and it'll be a monthly thing, so I can review a different restaurant each month for you guys. It will be so much fun!

I've been sick lately, which is half the reason for nothing new, but i'm feeling a bit better. I'm just foggy-headed today. Maybe after I have this caffeine, I'll be fine. (Here's hoping!)

anyway, that's all for now. I have to get prepped up for class. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

update into a workout.

I know I've been slacking lately, but I got sick again. I forgo how bad my immune system is ... So my next post will be 3 product reviews in one, all edibles of course fuz I'm a foodie . typing on my phone is no fun. So I'm gonna wait til I have a real computer to do an actual post. Sorry gyz, but I will have another fun thing to talk about after Monday, so stay tuned for that. Now I'm off to work at the bike shop. I heard that I might get nein own business cards wfgeggsfnkfaaefjgfkibcebb!!!!!;!!! Yeah ... Such a kid. Lolz. Oh, and a fun workout suggestion before I go! Try miss a :breathe, 2hot, wonder girls be me baby, and for a cool down, gee by snsd. If that's not enough, girls day:omg and twinkle twinkle, with miss a: good bye baby, some 100s to work your core and bike crunches. So fun. If you don't sweat from that...see a doctor, lol. K bye for real. My hand is cramping...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

V05 Conditioner& Shampoo Review

Bwahahahahahhahahha!!! Time for another review! I’m writing as I go, which is probably not a good idea, ‘cuz I’ll be wet pretty soon…lol.
Anysnooch, I’m reviewing two v05 products, the herbal escapes kiwi  lime squeeze clarifying shampoo, and herbal escapes free me feezia moisturizing conditioner, after the use of which, I’ll be continuing with my hair regimen. Just a note that I have used vo5 products before, but I normally use the strawberries and cream one. I just can’t seem to find it anymore. It was my FAVORIIIIIITEEEE!!!!!!! Oh well, I decided to give these a try instead. (I know, I didn’t get the matches, but whatever.)

The kiwi one looks really green, pretty unnatural, but I like it. The smel is nothing spectacular. I don’t really think of kiwis when I smell it. It’s not striking me as particularly lime-y either, but oh well. It feels cool, like a gel, but better. I haven’t put it in my hair yet.

Here are the ingredients for the kiwi shampoo: 

Water (Aqua), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Chloride, Ammonium Chloride, Fragrance (Parfum), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, DMDM Hydantoin, Polyquarternium-7, Benzyl Salicylate, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Disodium EDTA, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Butylphenyl Methylpropional Linalool, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Benzyl Benzoate, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Yellow 10 (CL 47005), Blue 1 (CL 42090), Polysorbate 20, Propylene Glycol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Extract, Panthenol, Cymbopogon, Schoenanthus Extract, Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Peel Extract, Ascorbic Acid, Actinidia Chinensis (Kiwi), Fruit Extract, Niacinamide, Biotin. (from CVS website)

The freesia one smells absolutely deeeelicious!!! I love what they’ve done with this. It has a very slight purple tint, which I think is cute. It feels like a lotion, which I really like about it. So, now I’m going to put them in my hair and see the results.

Ingredients for the Freezia conditioner: Water (Aqua), Cetyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Stearalkonium Chloride, Stearyl Alcohol, Steareth- 21, Glyceryl Stearate, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Glycerin, Jasminum Officinale (Jasmine) Extract, Freesia Refracta Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Tocopheryl Acetate, Biotin, Niacinamide, Polysorbate 20, Ascorbic Acid, Panthenol, Propylene Glycol, Benzophenone 4, Disodium EDTA, DMDM Hydantoin, Fragrance (Parfum), Ext. Violet (CI 60730). (also from CVS website) 

Both are about 15 oz. 

Oh, but before I do that, I’ve never used a clarifying shampoo before (I know, bad bad me. I just didn’t know any better – we all start somewhere, and I usually just cowash, anywayz. - ) So, here we go, for reallyz do. (I’m definitely not hood enough for hat…I apologize…but I’m probably going to keep doing it anyway.)
Well, that was refreshing. I just got done with the clarifying shampoo, and my hair feels…clean? I guess.. not sure how different it’s supposed to feel from a normal shampooing. Well, I don’t hate the results, so…that’s good. On to the conditioner.

Well, I gave myself a small scare, I thought it was burning my scalp, but I just scratched too hard sometime during the day. Ooh, my hair feels soft! So, no ill-effects from the products. 

Well, on to my usual hair-washy-regimen.
I’ve put my coconut oil in as a hot oil treatment, and since I’ve re-heated it with the blow dryer, I’ve wrapped a scarf around it, so now all I have to do is wait until I feel like it’s time to wash this stuff off. Usually, I’ll use my garnier strengthening conditioner, but I use that one so often that I should probably take a break and stick with this vo5 one. I’ve got scott pilgrim on, so I may wash it out after the next couple of fights. I love the kitty fight, “back off hasbian!” hah!
Oh, and after that, I know I shouldn’t use two kinds of heat, ‘cuz that’s a big hair no-no, but I do. Except today. I blow dryed, and then did braids. I hope it turns out ok tomorrow, but with the way I sleep…probably not. Lol.

My hair lasted all night in the braids (I cheated and used barrettes though, so idk if it really counts...) but I didn't like how a braid-out looked on me, so I ended up straightening my hair and putting it in pigtails. I didn't use much heat, and since my hair was essentially in four sections, I just went over each section twice. I'm not sure I'd even really count that. I probably should, but won't. 

I use a purple Remington flat iron from target that's apparently been switched out for a digital model (basically the same thing but with a digital temp counter instead of the clock one. I got mine on sale for 12 bucks, the one they're selling now is like, 19. Not much of a difference, and I'm sure it'll do the same thing, if you really want it to. 

kk, that's all for my review, I'm going to review something tasty tomorrow! hehe! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Uuuwaaaaa!!!!! Versatile Blogger Awards ^____^

Hi, everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I just got nominated for the Versatile Blogger award. I read about Momo getting it just hours ago, and I didn't know awards existed for blogs prior, but I got nominated by Jaz. Thanks for nominating me, really! ^__^ It made my day. 

so, now, I get to tell you all 7 things about myself. 
7) I am literally addicted to kimchi. I don't know why, but I will put that Sh** on EVERYTHING...well...everything I think it'd taste good on, lol. 
6) I'm actually pretty shy in real life, but people confuse me for being perma-angry. 
5) Kpop got me into being more feminine, and in turn, I found Ulzzang through them, which is a thing I like a lot. hehe. 
4) I love cute things so much, but few people know that about me. (I just bought a HONKIN' Hello Kitty mug the other day and can't wait to use it. ^____^
3) I'm a big 'ol goofball, especially when I'm bored. (can't help it, I just never grew up, lol!) 
2) I'm only somewhat of a techie, and while I'm apprenticing at this bike shop, I keep getting flashbacks of when I used to fix computers when I was a kid. (Nerdy childhood, first watching star trek at night, next fixing computers, lol) 
1) I drink ALL OF THE TEA, except jasmine...terrible experiences with that stuff. 

So, here I get to nominate others. 
Ulzzang Bana

All you have to do to participate is (1) add the versatile blogger award photo to your blog (2) thank the blogger that nominated you (3) post 7 random facts about your wonderful self and (4) nominate other bloggers!

I hope you all enjoy and join. ^____^

Sorry sorry sorry sorry

Naega naega naega naega monjeo ...oh, we're not doing suju's dance? poop.

Anyway, cereal apologies for not having posted for a bit, I know I'm supposed to be doing this 31 days of posting thing, but I've been terribly stressed out for the last few days, and I still kind of am. Also, despite having bought a couple of things, they are a conditioner and shampoo, so I can't review them now, since I've not tried them. (I only bought them yesterday.)

However, tonight is hair night, and I'll let you know what happens, one is a clarifying shampoo, and the other I believe is a moisture conditioner. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Sorry. I forgot to review something yesterday because I was so busy, but I don't have any products today, either. Just homemade soup by aiden. We had a funny stovetop experience, but nothing notable since I've only been home for two hours! I promise to try my cherry fundip tomorrow, but i probably can't get pics up til Tuesday... I'll try tho. Now, it's time for v for vendetta. :D:D:D:D

Friday, October 5, 2012

Frankenberry Mocha Time!

Hi, everyone! As promised, here is my frankenberry post. I love the appearance of it, and no, I did not put it in a mocha. Aiden made coffee today, and I put some hot chocolate in while I ate my cereal and watched Fringe. I may also include an Agent Farnsworth makeup picture tutorial today, since I brought my makeup, but that will have to wait until afer I get my test done. I just can't concentrate if I have so many things bursting through my head, so I'm going to get all of these out, take my test, and then perhaps, if there's time, do the makeup tutorial. It's another thing I like to do - celebrities usually have nice makeup, and the ones that catch my eye, I want to do, myself. I'l surprise you with which ones, though.

Anyway, on to the Berries!
Really cute packaging, all pink!...mostly, anyway.
You can see a castle, frankenberry (whose nails are painted with strawberries), and some pink lightning.
Sorry you'll have to tilt your head, but here are pictures of the halloween cereals in order: frankenberry, my fave, count chocula, and boo berry, which I hope to try this year, even though I don't like blueberry anything, lol. 

Here's a cute comic, it's also on the count chocula box, so I think they probably use it on all of them. 

Here's what they look like (Yes, I like my cereal in a cup! - we have several bowls, for realz, though...)
You can see a blue marshmallow in there, right? Cool, 'eh? I don't know why it's there, but they have blue mallows in here, where in the count chocula they have swirly ones. (the count ones are vanilla/chocolate flavored, these are strawberry, but maybe they mixed some booberry mallows in there, who knows. 

And here's a closeup. 

Anyway, I'll do the ingredients now, and tell you the taste after: 

Kk, those are the ingredients, which I got from the food facts website. Thanks food facts!

The taste is very sweet, definitely strawberrylicious, but the appearance initially shocked me. (I opened it a few days before, just to look at it because I was curious.) As you can see, the ghosties are quite neon pink! (Probably why mother never bought me these - to the best of my recollection, anyway.) The smell is definitely strawberry! I liked them enough, but I'll be mixing them with my count chocula when I do have them, unless I find a suitable desert to make with them (like frankenberry treats (think rice crispies treats, but different)).

So, there you have it, if you are a strawberry lover, you will enjoy the cereal mess out of these, cereally. (c'mon, don't tell me you never saw that episode of South Park!) Click the link if you haven't! If you don't like strawberry flavored anything, you are a terrible person and don't deserve the sweet things in life. (I am KIDDING! as my favorite flavor of anything is Cherry, but I'll settle for strawberry if I have to.) 
