Thursday, October 4, 2012

Best Class Day, 31 Days Challenge

Hi, everyone. I took a couple days off because of studies and lack of internet, but I'm back with a new post - and a commitment.

Anyway, Temps have dropped, I've layered up and had some really nice chili that since it's not allowed in the library, I hope no one steals before I leave (It's happened to a friend, I'll talk about him later), or that I don't forget it (I've been known to...). Anysnooch, Class was really interesting today.

Usually, laptops aren't allowed in class, which has forced me to improve my famously terrible progress is debatable. Anyway, my teacher asked me if it was my laptop on the desk I normally sit at, and I told him that I'd be putting it away soon. He told me that he actually wanted me to use it today, so I was happy! We did a project on linkedin today, and I had to make one, but it was fine.

so, on to my commitment, as I mentioned in the title, I'm joining the 31 days challenge (late, so it'll continue into next month), and I'll be doing a product review every day, even if I have to do it from my phon (and on the weekends, I'll most likely have to do it from the phone, but that's okay.) Products I like to review: Anything caffeinated, cherry flavored, makeup. So I'll likely find something like that to review every day. Cafeinated things aren't terribly hard to come by, but the things I like are caffeinated lollipops, soaps/shower gels, lip balms, like, things that should not be caffeinated. I like the novelty factor of that. By the same token, I could like to review bacon flavored things, but I'm more interested in things that are caffeinated (no, I'm not a junkie...I think...jk. I'm not, it's just fun.)

So, first thing I'm going to review is something that I never got to have as a child.  I bought the vapire's blood, and because I couldn't see the flavor at first, I was worried that it would be strawberry. Luckily, it was cherry, so i was extatic.

It tastes exactly as I imagined it would (once I found out that it was cherry flavored), thick, gooey, and cherryrific. <3 It even smells cherry tastic, but it smells like plastic, too, well, that's the packaging, of course, but it smells like there would be a bad aftertaste, which there is not.

What's inside: 130 calories, no fat (including saturated), 32 grams of sugar, and no sodium. It's a 3 serving pack based on a 2,000 calorie diet, apparently you can learn mere at It feels pretty hefty, which I think is great!

I think the packaging is cute, especially since it's halloween themed.

Having mentioned packaging, I almost forgot the ingredients:
corn syrup, citric acid, waer, sodium benzoate (preservative), potassium sorbate (preservative, color (red 40), natural and artificial flavors)

Tomorrow, I'll be reviewing the franken berry cereal, most likely, since I've tried it. Won't even lie, the appearance shocked me a little. Although Count Chocula is my favorite cereal, I likely won't be reviewing that.

Well, that's all for now, more later I assure you. ^___^

Have fun, stay warm, and maybe eat some chili. ^____^

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