Thursday, October 18, 2012

I need to relax my hurrrrrrrrr

Yeah...I didn't think there were enough "r"'s in ..."hur" that even how you properly misspell it? Conversely, why am I worried about a "proper misspelling"...which is an oxymoron, isn't it?

Well, anyway. I came to the realization today that my hair most definitely needs to be relaxed. I've been stretching for...well, let's see...when's the last time I actually relaxed? People are supposed tokeep track of when they do this, but see, the last time I relaxed, I was using my last phone's calendar, and since my last phone s officially dead, I can't look back at it. I can, however, check my fb pics and see which one on which date has my hair looking most newgrowth free, since I generally take pics at least the day after my relaxer (it's so flat day of that I dont' even bother, mater how epic of a style I manage to come up with)...yeah, that epic style bit was a lie. I can't come up with epic hair...not that talented, lolz.

k, so results yielded, but at first I thought they weren't. I relaxed my hair in august, and haven't messed with it since, I think. except that one time where I put henna in it. I'd do that again if it weren't such a messy process. Did I tell you guys about that? I litz had henna stains on my hands for like...a couple weeks.

Well, anysnooch, yeah. It's about time for another relaxer, which i'm talking about in place of my fundip candy review. I know I was all excited about it, but I'm getting to be a bit over candy, and it's not even halloween yet...that's not cool for me.

So anywayz, I'm ever in pursuit of hair knowledge that will help me in my goal to have hip length hair. My mom did, one time, and it was so cool. Then she got a hair cut...Not short, was back to mid back length, which she's had since forever. I mean, yeah, it's probably just the length she prefers her hair, but...I've always wanted like stupid long hair.

No real reason, really. Just seems fun. I know it's more work, for sereals, but ...yeah, I'm about to start typing myself into circles. Did I ever tell you who my favorite kpop star is?

Well, I will. Her name is Park Bom, and this si beginning to feel familiar, so I'll just post a pic of her.

I love the haircolor!! 

So, yeah. Otherwise, there's not much going on here. 

Welp, have a good day, guys. ^__^

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