I’m changing stuffs to weigh in Thursday…seems to be the day
where I actually see a change. I forgot that last week and the week before, but
I checked my stats (all of them that I measure), and I always see a difference
on Thursday. So weird.
Anyway, there’s also that no cutting
challenge I’m in. Pleased to say, scissors have not touched my hair since (not
very hard for me, though. I only ever trim anyway when they do touch my hair…),
however, my bangs are now always in my eyes (literally, I’ve got bang hair
poking the shiz out of my eyes every day.) It’s ok, though ‘cuz I kind of want
to grow them out until I get my hair to a certain length (idk which, yet), then
I’ll go bangsies again. (I'm thinking, maybe full apl, or bsl? Idk)
Updates on any and everything:
I did a catering event on Saturday. It
was fun, and I would definitely do it again. The best part was probably that I
didn’t have to wear any special attire, so I could just wear jeans as usual and
all was hunky-dory.
Also, Friday, I went to the mall to get
apps ‘cuz I need another job. I plan on staying at the deli, I’ll find out what
hours I officially work on Monday, but by the time you read this I’ll know for
sure…ish, I think. I can’t wait. I’ll be working at Forever21. I’ve been
wanting to work there for a while: firstly ‘cuz that place is awesome, and
secondly because I want retail experience. (I’m tired of being a cashier in the
food business, but probably won’t mind it much in the clothing world, mostly
‘cuz I won’t be tempted to eat food since it won’t be there to eat.) And
I’m pretty good at not buying five million pairs of jeans I don’t need.
However, I do need two to replace a couple no, three to replace three that I
won’t be able to wear anymore because of unfortunate tears…some from wear, others from God knows what… egh. Digressing.
So, that’s about all that’s been up
with me. I’m currently in the middle of a conditioning/oil treatment, so my
hair regimen is also pretty in-tact. I’m finding though, that I only have to
work with my hair once a week instead of twice like I posted before, Idk what
was up with my hair then, but it’s back to normal.
Oh, but I lied, my next post today will have pics of the modeling thing I did for this class. I mean it's not like, photoshoot modeling, obvs, and you'll see how good these people were, at least, I think they were good.
But work yesterday was fun. We did paperwork, watched a training video ( it was slightly cheesy, but that was still fine, I enjoyed it), had a tour around the store, learning about the different "girls" who represent our departments. And wouldn't you know the one right up my alley - they even had a Sporty girl, with yoga mats and fitness-y clothes, Oh, I can't wait! I didn't see any fitness shoes though, but that's cuz freakin' no one wants to work out when it's cold - at least, not in my state, but I'll get to that later.
We had a li'l break and went to starbucks - luckily, right downstairs! hahaha! working at a mall may prove to be too convenient, lol!.
I have a couple pic-treats for you lot during my next post, promise. There's one I think you'll love a lot, especially the ladies. ^_^
After our break, we trained in on registeres, and worked the rest of our shifts.
I go back in today ata five and work 'til close. I work four to close on friday, then maybe I'll have my schedule for next week. They said I'l likely get more hours, too. SO HAPPYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I seriously need a job where I can get hella hours, lol.
Kk, that's about it for me now, bubye.
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