Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Goon(ie)s

I know, I'm terribly sporadic with my blogging, but I finally have something for you guys.
yesterday, after gym class, I was minding my own business, talking to my friend, and this woman comes up to us asking if we'll cuss someone out for her since we were both apparently "cussing pretty good".

Then she proceeds to tell us that she's not good at cussing people out, so she had her daughter do it, and one of her friends, even. Some woman has been texing her really long paragraphs since six in the morning (things I genuinely don't give .26ths of a rat's ass about), and that she'd have just gone over and beaten the woman up.

Then she asks again if we'll do it. we both say no, but she's no listening, oh no. she's already pulling the woman's number up in her phone, giving me a script of what she'd want to say (but can't), and now the phone is dialing "pig"...really? she doesn't even get a real name? so she puts the phone up to my ear, and all I hear is "hello...hello? ... hello?"

I start apologizing to the woman and tell her that it's the wrong number (meaning I've dialed the wrong number, not her, of course), and the original woman takes her phone back. Except now, she and my friend are making fun of me for saying "it's the wrong number"...
BITCH, you're the one who wanted to call her, not me. I even told you I wouldn't cuss her out.
1) I don't know the woman who bothers you,
2) she's never done anything to me
and 3) you are the same bitch who punched me in the back during this friend's dance class for absolutely no readon other than that you decided to stand directly behind me and don't know how to say "excuse me"...
FUCK NO I'm not helping you out. you can hide behind your goons all you want, I'm not one of them.
and Friend? I didn't exactly see you jump up to help this dumbass. You don't get to laugh. At all.

yup...that's about it. Now I"m off to work, but things have been getting really slow there, which makes me sad. I just hope they aren't sending people home early, but it's the weekday, and they generally do send people home early...so...good luck to me, I guess.


  1. Wow that's crazy, people don't take me seriously when I cuss (I never do anyway) but when I'm pissed I can just go ham on them and sort of put them on blast if that makes sence.

    I think it's more classy if you can put someone in their place with out cursing at them but sometimes with hard headed people who can't understand, you do have to cuss them out.

  2. Gaah, sorry it took so long to reply. yeah, that makes total sense.
    I fully agree with you, that is much classier, but some people don't get it lol.

