Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to School - DormLife

Hey, everyone. Sorry I took such a long hiatus, but here we are and it's almost back to school time.

I decided that I'd share what I know about dorm life to hopefully help make your stay in the dorms a bit more enjoyable.

so first off, is friendmaking. It'll be easier if you're outgoing, but even if you aren't, people will likely approach you. You are almost guaranteed to make friends, unless you are hell-bent on making enemies, or not meeting people, I guess.

Dorms sometimes organize trips, and even if they don't, if you join a club, they likely will, so you can look forward to those things. Even if you don't particularly like the trip, you can just chill with your friends at the event. (Our dorm always had a trip to the mall. Everyone has been there several times, but we still made it fun.)

Since you'll be in a dorm, you will have an RA. At least one. Get to know them because if anything goes wrong, or you need to talk, that's what they're there for. In my video, I mentioned not doing this to manipulate them, I have a very long story that I don't want to get into, but over the course of a month, I ended up needing my RA and several other staff because of room mate issues gone terribly awry, they spilled over into school, and I was very lucky to have them on my side. Because I was alway talking to them, and very honest about what happened, and everything else going on with me, things ended up going very well for me, and I was made student of the month.

More later, I have to go right now. :P

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