Wednesday, December 12, 2012

re-building bridges

Building bridges, well, rebuilding, really.

Recently, I’ve been meaning to blog about how I’ve been way too good at severing tie, because it’s just something that comes easily to me.

I have a very low tolerance for bullchizz, so when there’s too much of that, or drama in my life, I cut the sources.
But I’ve realized that burning bridges isn’t the way to go.
I recently just re-friended a formerly good friend, she was one of my besties, at one time, but because of really dumb issues, we cut the ties we had (the issues were pretty dumb in retrospect), but I’m actually glad that we’re friends again – did I mention that we share the same birthday? Well, I’m a year older, but it was fun that one time we both went to the movies with a group of friends to celebrate our birthday, or the other time where our input bro well, my input bro) took us out for pho, I still remember that time like it was yesterday, and I hope he reads this (yup, shoutouts to you, Oppa!) I wish we could hang out together again sometime.
I must admit, one of the first things I did was look at her fb pics once we re-friended each other, her baby’s just too adorbz.

And who knows, maybe she can be one of my ld fit buddies (long distance for u lot who don’t know),

Which brings me to a new point, I want a fit buddy, especially for next semester, I’ve blogged about it before, so you can all tell how excited I am for next semester.

(I’m typing with my screen down right now ‘cuz, well, I’m trying to be discrete.)

I just did another presentation, and I have less than . 6 hrs of sleep, (you remember the set-up shift  I told you guys about in my last post? Well, it was a 4-midnight, we left a little early, but I missed my last bus by an hour still, so I go very little sleep last night, no complaints, though, ‘cuz it was really fun. ) I like work, and the more hours I get, the better, I’m a rent payer, after all, and I’m saving up for a car.
Trying to type quietly is very hard for me, my mom used to hate it, I’d wake up from sleeping with a great idea, in high school, hop back on my computer, and half an hour later, I’d hear “go back to sleep!”). My mum has supersonic hearing, I swear, she’d be on the second floor, and I lived in the basement room my stepdad made for me in that house. I miss it! That room was B.A, I swear!
But back to the re-building of bridges. I’m trying to be a bit less quick to cut ties off, because really, minor infractions, or even, sometimes, major ones, aren’t worth it in the end. I won’t say I miss everyone who I’ve cut out of my life completely, because there are those who I can’t see any reason to reacquaint myself with, but for those who I might have just had a misunderstanding or two with, sure.
Friendship is a two-way street, and I used to cut people off for giving too little when I feel like I’ve given more than my share, I’m gonna try not doing that (at least, not as often), and see if it helps in the long run. I hope it does. 

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