Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tarting myself up for work?!?!?!

Did you guys think I'd say that I'm going to become a tart and post pics of me like that?

haha! No.

Here's what I won't be doing: Tarting myself up for a job. Unless, for some reason, I get a job at a place where it's explicitly expressed and expected that I do. However, that's not likely, because I like to wear 74359872340968572398573-57888 gagillion layers year round. -35 degree weather? You bet. 99 degree weather? Why not, I see no problem. Mo hotta, mo betta. (Foodwise, too ^_^)

here's a video for you

Pretty random. I know.

Anyway, back to why I'm not tarting myself up. I love that phrase, by the way.

There is a place that exists where people who wear more revealing clothes receive more favor than those who don't, no matter how hard they work. Which is pretty interesting, considering that the person who wears the most clothes works the hardest, but for some reason, always ends up with the short end of the stick - the hours stick, that is.

Why is this? I don't know. I can't bring myself to wear leggins as pants with my proportions, and even if my proportions were smaller, I still wouldn't because I like to be covered, and by covered, I mean, I like that someone would have to actively try to imagine what I looked like under my clothes, not just "I bet her legs probably need sun from the months of not showing them" (it's years, in my case, 'cuz I really don't like to show my legs, no matter how many compliments they receive, I just like to be warm and covered, but mostly covered.

And I'm not fond of showing my chest, either. ...or my catch my drift.

I'm not saying that one has to show off their body at any establishment for any reason unless it's their job requirement (and i admittedly don't know much about those types of jobs, anyway...), I'm just saying that if that's the culture, I'm not gonna be adhering to it any time soon just to fit in/get hours or anything.

that's really it. 

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