Friday, October 26, 2012

That stuff I don't like (not vid...)

Hi, guys. I'm going to do a "that's that shiz I don't like" post, but I'm not a vlogger yet, and I'm still in a coffee shop (I just got here...)'d be a bit...rude, I think, to do a vlog. Also, some people do these "stuff I don't like" vlogs, and like less than halfway through, I'm bored because they'll spend like 3.7503459847397530 minutes on one topic... like...someone doesn't like soggy cereal. That's great, but let's not beat a dead horse, kay?

So, anysnooch, this one's fresh in my mind as it just happened less than .5hrs ago. This bit isn't the shit I don't like, I mean, I don't like it, but it doesn't technically count.

YOu're about to cross the street, still walking full speed, 'cuz're a fast walker, and the person in front of you stops less than halfway across the street, like RIGHT THE FUCK IN FRONT OF YOU, to CHAT with their *insert whoever they're with* still in the street...that's that shit I don't like. I'm going full speed, and you want to chat in the STREET? Pretty sure I'm not trying to get killed. Right of way or not, you aren't the only mofo walking around.

So, I proceed to walk around them (I do this often to slow walkers...not a fuck given), and the wife says "don't let her walk in front of you"...are you telling him to do something? slap me? what? Does he abuse you at home? That makes it okay for him to put his hands on me? (I'm speculating right now, she probably wanted him to make me say "excuse me"...Idk, but my bf and I had places to go (him, work, me, ...I should be studying but this pissed me off...) So, yeah...she was trash talking as they walked along, but so was I (we could both hear each other...Yeah...neither of us acted like adults, but again, NOT A FUCK WAS GIVEN on either side.

Slow walkers. You know the fb page "I secretly want to punch slow walkers in the back of the head"? I had a friend who would step on the front of people's feet from behind them if they were walking too slow (he was a tall ass mofo). I just walk around them. I don't have rearview mirrors, so...yeah... but people who work every day seem to walk like they don't have anywhere to go most of the time. It's happened to me too, several times, sometimes when I think I'm walking at least nearly full speed, but then I just pick up the pace. (these two are probably my biggest pet peeves.)

cliquey mofos. 'cuz I work with them. but you lot already knew that.

the cold: Does anyone ACTUALLY like to be cold? I didn't think so.

Pineapples: Not even because of allergy reasons.

Watermelon: it tastes gross and has a weird texture.

If I go on too long, it's gonna be like "1st world problems", which is another thing I can't stand...some of those complaints are extra trivial. i mean, of course, they're probably some things I've complained about once or twice, but  "can't find light switch...scared of dark"...seriously.... >.>  <.< >.<

K, hope to read some chizzes you lot don't like. 

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