Friday, September 28, 2012

Cherry Smoothies

Today was so nice out that I had to try something new at one of my local coffee shops, so I got a cherry  smoothie (they had mango, and I wanted to mix them, but I figured, try it regular first, and then mix them).

I'm really happy that it's going to be warm for the weekend, 'cuz I work outside and I don't feel like freezing all day (again), and I know my coworkers won't want to freeze, either.
I was watching this video today because of another one (isn't that how it always goes with me, lol), and he mentioned "a bugaboo, like they used to call it". Not only was the video a fun blast from the past, but it was full of references that are no longer relevant, like, there's someone who always points out that you know a movie's old if the twin towers are still in it, but AOL? I never did know what MCI was, maybe it was regional? Idk, but pagers! XD

Anyway, I had a weird dream that I knew had something to do with Fringe, so I had to watch it again, this time while eating red vines. We tried to find the episode last night, but to no avail. It was the Marionette episode. Well, anyway, my question was answered.

So, back to Bugaboo, yesterday, I was looking around on the internet for B-gal style coords, and it was probably harder than it should have been, but I ran across baby shoop, and found out that apparently they've got black models, which is awesome! I think I learned things, but watching Destiny's child videos, and I'm also noticing (again) that I haven't got the makeup for it. Speaking of which, I found my  eye shadows, and two more of the colors got busteed...I seriously need to invest in some master palettes, but I don't know where to get them. I'd like to find palettes that don't have paraben (it's been hard, I found a nice coco butter lotion that I thought didn't have any until I read the label a second time, as I was checking it against another that had maybe one or two more...Idk. I just don't want to end up allergic like mom, so I figure avoid it if I can.)

But yes, I need a contouring powder, too. I think they come with highlighting powders, right? I really don't know, ulzzang style got me into makeup (elsewise, I'd still have pretty much never touched the stuff except for high school performances and maybe some clubbing), and after seeing the less extreme gyaru makeups, I like it, but if I look at the b-gal makeup I can't tell if it's contoured, even if I put a picture of it next to another...I think they don't, and I'm not sure one should have to, but that's mostly because I'm not heavy into gyaru...yet...I think...I'm not sure how far I'd dip into it, but I do know that I like the b-gal style, but I also like the cute style of amekaji (yes, I think it's a cute style).

I don't know, when I get things more figured out, I'll be able to tell better, I think. Meantime, I"m prepped up for a warm, busy weekend, and looking forward to ALL OF THE THINGS!!!!

<3 Hope you all have a nice weekend, too. ^_~ Buhbyez!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Always Come Prepared!

To class!!!

Of course, this is a no-brainer, but last semester, I got spoiled with the usage of my laptop EVERYWHERE.

Sorry, I was watching Chonny, and then I was reminded that I had a friend who had me try seaweed (she was Thai, and it was like, her favorite snack. YEAH, I liked it!! WHAT!?! That's what I thought).

Lol, sorry, anysnooch, so, I was in class, writing with my only working pen that I brought. (I brought the one that doesn't work, and it's normally in my hair for that reason, and the one that does work, neither were in my hair...But I bought a cherry tootsie pop and remedied that, but we'll get to that later). So I'm in class, and before the teacher starts talking, it was working fine. Right when he says to start the quiz (luckily it wasn't like an important one, it was just from the reading, and we didn't get graded for it), I try writing with it, and guess died. It's okay, it was coming apart, anyway.

This is when I remembered that there's a grocery/convenience store right across the street. I figured (it's college so, of course my teacher doesn't care if I dip for the rest of class, but I'm too cool to skip...nevermind.) that I could just pretend I was going to the loo, and be back in a few minutes.

I found the pens (pack of two), a couple of cherry tootsie pops, and a cherry lifesaver 'cuz they were like 10 I hop back up to class, after learning about the grand opening special next week that I forgot to facebook about because I like to promote local businesses, whoops. I have fb open...I'll just do it while this uploads...

Long story short, there was a bucket of pens at home I could have dug into but forgot about until I needed to buy one (two), I got fresh air during class, but I'm not letting it happen again because I'll never go pen-less to school. Lesson learned.

Does anyone know how making a youtube channel works? 'cuz...I'm...kinda lost...and still semi-seriously considering it...but Idk.

Anyways, I'm'na go get funky tonight! (Highlight of the week (2, 'cuz Monday's my main highlight)), Hope you all have a funky good rest of the week! ...cheesy again? Probably. <3<3

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fake friends (aka Users)

Originally, I didn't know what to blog about, but I knew that I wanted to blog, and then I was facebooking, and remembered the reason. Sorry if that's a run on sentence...

Anysnooch, I'm'na write about fake friends (yes, I'm'na is now a word), you know the kind who forget about you until they want or need something?

Like if they really wanted to hang out with you, or have you around, they have your number, facebook, e-mail, basically every way you've made yourself available to them, but they forget you exist until they want something from you. Like you could have been with them through their thick, but they don't een care about your thin. I'm not entirely sure why people like that exist, to be completely honest.

Well, that happens to the best of us. I'll never have an explanation for why, because I'm not them, but suffice it to say that they are not worth your time.

Anyway, On to a lighter topic, I'm looking for a pogo stick. I never got one as a child, and they look a) rediculous, but b) like fun. I probably can't use it inside the apartment, unless I pogo down the halls, which I most likely would be found doing. I already said maybe two posts ago that I'm such a kid on the inside that it's impossible to deny.

I'm also looking for a full length mirror, I think I've found one, and I can't wait to start using one once I get it! I also haven't ordered the cute stitch or panda phone case because after looking at the specs, it said it was fo a samsung galaxy III, and the phone I'm looking to get is a windows phone, so I'm not sure if they're the same size or not (I don't spend too much time in phone stores, and I haven't really ahd anyone to ask) Once I know for sure, then I'll definitely order something (and hope it's one of those super cute panda/stitch ones!)

I'm due at the bike shop soon, and I can't wait! I almost got to ride one of the bikes yesterday, but the seat was too high, and we had cleaning to do instead. Maybe today will be my lucky day? Heh heh heh.

Anysnooch, Stay happy everyone, and yes, I did find cherry somethings! A cherry tootsie pop, I remember saying that I would. Oh, and cherry chap stick, but it's carmex, so it doesn't count. (I lost my chapstick, so I had to buy another. I'm always losing chapstic... :P)

Kk, buhbye for real this time! <3<3 Here's a happy video for you <3<3

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Twofer?

I may have to start calling it that, I know for sure on Tuesdays I post twice, I think Thursdays too, because I have class on those days, so I'm required to bring my laptop (except this thursday, 'cuz there's no homework!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!), and when I bring it I get bored easily, so I surf the internet, and then I start blogging (again) after class, lol. Yeah, my first post normally goes up before class because I usually have about 45 minutes before class starts, and then I do it again after lunch, lol.

So, anyway, I was surfing, which I'm also doing right now, watching some Tre Melvin. I'll put the video I'm watching here later, and I'll be sharing it on my facebook, just to hopefully spark a bit of discussion...somewhere...maybe.

Anysnooch, I was surfing the interwebz of doom, and I stumbled upon a blog related to hair that reminded me of my hair routine, and the fact that because of the recent dip in temperature/increase in dryness my region seems to have taken up, I need to follow up with my regimen more often. It also reminded me that I saw new growth this morning, which reminded me that at the end of next month, it'll have been about 3 or 4 months, and I'll need to relax my hair again.

Oh, but my hair regimen, the thing I most enjoy about it is the utilization of coconut oil (which I found discounted at TJ MAXX when I went to my old neighborhood, it's even the same organic brand that my mom used to use), so I have two jars of it, and because I don't also cook with it, the stuf has been lasting quite a while. This makes me happy, because coconut oil isn't exactly cheap. I bought it because a) I used to use it when my mom kept it in the house, and
b) ever since I've been finding that you aren't supposed to use products with mineral oil in your hair (and I understand why now), this is my oil of choice. It heats up nicely, makes my hair soft, and has basically no taste/smell.

The only drawback will be in winter, when I invariably will use too much, not be able to wash it all out, and leave the house to find my hair frozen...I know this from experience, and the trial/error that seems pretty consistent with me...I always use too much. What I'd like to do next time is maybe massage small chunks of it into my scalp before I rinse it with the black tea (I'm a fan of black tea rinses). I do this about twice a month, but I may have to do it three or four times, since I'll have to start washing every other day. I cowash, of course, except every other time, I use a shampoo. My regimen works really well for me, and I can't wait to achieve my goal (but I know I have to, I'll have to wait a long time, lol. My goal is like, hip length. My mom had hip length hair before, I'll have to see her again to find out if she's gotten back to that length.)

Ok, on to the video. (It's gotten silent, so now I want another one) Rather self-explanatory, "You Talk Like A White Boy". It reminded me hat when I used to call places (like for job interviews), and then show up, they'd always say "You sound so different on the phone". Like...what was I supposed to sound like?

But I find what he says to be true. There are exceptions to the rule, but the rule is pathetic.

Anyway, on a brighter note, I'm going to find something cherry scented, flavored, or related before I go home to start in on my hair regimen, homework, cleaning, and relaxing time.

Have a fun day <3


Hey, guys, I just wanted to post some stuff that's been going on very recently!

First, I finally got more kimchi. (Most of you probably don't know how much of an addict I am, but I put that stuff in ...lots of things.) I went out and got it yesterday after my Financial Accounting homework was all done (I have NO desire to be an accountant! It's just a required class).

I'm excited to be at the shop more often, and hopefully I'll move from breaking wheels to cleaning bikes and tidying up the shop soon, and then I'll learn how to repair them.

I also spoke to my mummy a couple of days ago (she lives in another state), and I learned that she's been drinking her veggies. I fully support her in those endeavors, and eventually, in exchange for trying her veggie drinks, she'll try my kimchi! I can't wait! I also learned that my little brother and sisters are doing really well in their basketball/soccer teams. They're home schooled, so they get to do travelling teams, well, I suppose normal school kids get to as well, but I wouldn't know, really.

There are also some things I want to do, like get henna in my hair, but normal henna this time, I tried black henna last time, and not only could you not tell that it was in my hair, but I made a mess and had black hands for a while...Oh, and the sink was black...not cool. The only thing I'm worried about with this henna is that since I already kind of have natural red highlights in my hair when the sun hits it, that you'll again not be able to tell that I've got henna'd hair. My grandma used to henna her hair when she was younger, and she didn't like the red tint. I naturally have it, but I want to intensify it a little.

I also need a full-length mirror. I never thought about it when I was in the dorms, it was attached to our dorm doors, so ootd pics would have been easy if I ever wanted to do them, but in the apartment, we rather surprisingly don't have one. I don't want to use the school's bathroom mirror because even though it's full length, it's a bathroom, then there's the fact that not only is it not my bathroom, but it's a public bathroom, and I know I'm starting to sound like a germaphobe, and there's other reasons I don't like public bathrooms, but I'll stop here, maybe I'll post about it later, maybe I won't. Idk right now.

One thing I've been wanting to do, and slowly getting around to, are making these recipes in a Korean/Japanese cookbook I found at Borders before it went out of business. I need to start buying meat more regularly, though. Luckily the farmer's market is still in session, so i can keep getting veggies there. I really want to try the chicken gochujang stew, while watching dramas or more Fringe. To get my "fix", I've been watching the features whenever I can.

But I've set a few goals for myself. The first is learn some of my Kpop dances well enough to do them without having to watch the videos (usually practice or dance version), keep on my languages, and lose weight. I've started weight watchers while trying to ease myself into paleo, and no, don't worry, I'm not shelling out tons of dough for their actual program. (Sorry for anyone who actually is, I guess) I'm doing it the "free" way, by finding out how many points things are through various resources on the net that have been compiled. Interested in more weight loss resources, please comment, however, back to the post.

I've had a few discrepancies with the points, though. some people say that a point is worth 50 calories, but some say it's worth 70. I usually calculate 70, because if it's fifty, the points I'm required to eat  (20 to 23, I think 29 was the max calculated on some website) are borderline anorexic (I've done some research, don't ask). However, my second or third day, I ate about 61 points (and 61*either 50 or 70 is pretty flipping high!), and lost a couple of pounds. The weight loss has been slow, and not entirely steady, mostly because I usually eat between 24 and maybe 35 points, but I seem to lose weight on days where I severely over eat, like the day I had 61, it baffles me!

Oh, one last thing, I've had a potential future job offer, which makes me happy to know that even months after I left the dorms, I've been thought of well. I think it says something when one of the staff wants you to work for them. ^___________^ I can think of people I remember well, and some I remember not-so-fondly, and it just makes me think that no matter how horrid someone is to you, they likely don't want to be remembered in a bad light, I'm not sure why they would, but it happens nonetheless.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I got sick, eeew!!!

I got sick over the weekend,  so I took a couple days off of blogging. I kind of had to, 'cuz I felt gross, but I'm better now. I at least got caught up on my Fringe.

I don't know if you guys would or even should know by now, but I'm a huge sci-fi nerd, so most of the shows I like or might talk about are pretty sci-fi in nature, I guess, unless it's a k-drama, for some reason, I really like the gender-bender ones, they're so fun!

Watching all this tv makes me remember that I wanted to be an actress at one time. It's never too late, of course. Well, anysnooch, that's not what I wanted to talk about. What I really wanted to talk about was that my favorite charachter, Astrid, never gets any real props (I feel like I may have said this before, but that was probably irl, so it probably doesn't count!) on the show (so far, I'm behind by a season or two...), and that I really want to do makeup tutorials, but alas, I have NO makeup. I just lost my main palette freaking recently, it must've been within the bast couple of days, 'cuz I rememer seeing it, so I had to use my default for this one, but that's fine. I'm all matching today!

Oh, one more thing, I was going to talk about this "creative" way to curl hair that I accidentaly found while I was trying to straighten it. It all happened because my hair clips keep getting broken, I guess from wear, well, that morning I got ran into, and my head collided with the bed, which in turn broke my hair clip. That's what I get for using cheap ones!!!

So anyway, I started using hair ties, I bought like 60 of them at CVS because they were selling the pretty colors for cheap. So, anyway, I took my hair into small sections, and wound them around like I was going to put them in mini-buns, but I just kept winding them until they stayed in place. I took them out carefully once I was all done, well, I waited maybe half an hour, because I would wind them up as I finished each section, just to keep the sections together and not end up straightening the same section five times, lol.

I ended up with wavy hair that could have stayed if I used hair spray, but I wanted piggy tails, so I did that instead.

I'll have pics eventually of my outfit for the day, I'll probably upload them to picyou, 'cuz I like that site (and don't have instagram).

Well, more later, I'm sure. <3<3<3 Hope your weeks have started well! ^_______________^

Friday, September 21, 2012

Silent laughing and serious debates small update I forgot about!

Well, I'm again watching some youtube, I searched for the tag #notaboutthatlife because of Scooter Magruder, who I'm subscribed to on youtube, 'cuz my boyfriend, *Aiden and I find him hilarious.

Having mentioned Aiden, I was watching this video when the vlogger said something about how videogames take the boyfriend's attenion away from her, and that's what prompted my post today. Technology does that to Aiden.

What I mean by that is, if I'm in front of technology and he's present but not participating with me, I'm sorry, I'm like a guy with a videogame. It would likely be worse if I actually were playing a videogame.  I do genuinely like to share my internet finds with him, but I guess that's just how I am. We have played a videogame together before, that was very fun. I hooked up the xbox and we played one of the Harry Potter games. If we could get more controllers and games, I think that would be fun for us to do at least once a week.

Well, on to the serious debates, Some of these youtubers make vlogging look like fun, I would do that, but I'm not terribly creative.I guess you don't have to be terribly creative, but I also don't have a decent webcam, well not for vlogging purposes, anyway. Not that I'd know what to vlog about, really. Well, It's not something I want to do in the immediate future, 'cuz I like typing, so this suits me well.

But I had another silent laughing attack at the bar last night. If you're friends with me on facebook or a twitter follower (since I've linked both of those accounts to my tumblr), you'll know why. I got stuck on the "lol-sotrue" tumblr page. The gifs are so funny! Anysnooch, I must've looked insane, but I don't care that much. I had fun.

But having mentioned facebook. I've seen some things on there related to politics, and since I'm normally on youtube, I like to watch soundly awake, who did this video this video, which I think was a good way to put it. The way I see voting is pretty similar: You don't like who's running, research things each side says that you agree with, vote for who you agree with more, if you truly don't know what's going on, just try to get involved in some way. If you don't think your vote will count, realize this: you are one of MANY who feel the same way, the whole lot of you not voting does NO good. If even half of you would vote, that would make a big diference.

On a lighter note, I'm glad I didn't use makeup today, 'cuz I always get a little itchy when I do, so it smudges. :(

I'm excited for bike shop work tomorrow, even if it's right afer we tear down at my morning job. It's good to have things you look forward to. I really like the small things, what about you lot?

Take some time to consider that, if you don't already, the little things you enjoy that make you happy every day. It adds up.

'Til next time ^_____^ <3

Oh, but one last thing I forgot to mention, since I just did it today: I found a crafty way of waving my hair up, kind of like beach waves. I didn't wear it out of the house, because it was just a trial - it worked, for sure, but also because I wanted to wear my piggy tails. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

oh, I just love these boots, though

Here's my outfit of the day, I found these boots, and they're adorable! Yes, I always have things in my hair, pens, bows, candy, something *the candy's always a lollipop, usually cherry flavored, 1/2 of the pens don't work (I only ever use one or the other), but I love bows!

mini update post

But I guess they'rea all updates, anyway...

Well, getting back to the point of this post, updates are that I work at a bike shop! I really like it so far. (I only do little things so far) like on my first day, I crushed a massload of cans, and my second day, I got to break wheels down, that was fun. I got to use these big wire cutters to clip the spokes, that was kind of like a workout, lol. Some of those spokes were resistant!

Anyway, I'm still looking for templates, and I'm in this facebook group looking at the deadpool vs gangnam style video, it's flipping hilarious! These poor unsuspecting people! aaw, cute! I'll link to it, so you know what I'm talking about! It's really entertaining. There ya go, follow the link ^^ "I'll link to it".

Wow, well, back to the post, It's really hard to not watch this while I type. Well, it's a good thing I have the keyboard memorized, so I'm sure everything's turning out fine.  ...He's in the woman's room! haha! ooh, breakdancing!

Ok, back to the post for real, even though I'm still watching the video. Thank God mom put me on the computer when I was little. I need to make a reaction video to the things I watc, 'cuz I'm sure my faces are priceless! Also, I do a lot of silent laughing.

Ooh, so, back to updates! sorry, I get really distracted when the videos are on. And people in this computer lab would probably like to know why I'm on two computers at once. (the school's computer is going to be my entertainment, this one is my "search for templates while I blog" one, for now." I'm watching walter moments. If you don't know Walter Bishop, you need to seek the nearest dvd viewing device (or if it's the appropriate time, a tv) and watch fringe. Watch ALL OF THE FRINGE!!!!!

My boyfriend bought season 3 because I got him hooked on it...ooh, Walter's overshares. Wow, priceless. We're also looking at a phone, because well...mine sucks. It does things that phones should not do. It turns itself off at random. Luckily, not while I'm online (well, it has before...), or texting, but if I haven't texted yet, and it decides to piss me off, it will do that. Heck, sometimes I don't even get calls for...oh, days. And I only find out about them because I happen to interact with the person who called/texted me, most recently via facebook. Though, it's usually because I've called my parents a day or two later than they called me. And since I'm not getting the calls, I'm also, of course, not getting their voicemails. I'm sure you can imagine the frustration....on both ends.

(I'm already looking at phone cases, albeit on ebay...mostly cutesy ones, like stitch (from lilo and stitch) or panda bears.) I know you're already thinking "how old is this girl....>.>>.>  >.>....." But I already fully embrace being "a big ol' kid!".

Seriously, you should see me after work on the weekends when we get the gelato. "Birthday cake!?!?!?!?!?" *On tippy toes eating the gelato, nevermind being lactose intolerant*...sorry body.

So, having mentioned fringe, I"m watching an interview with John Noble and Anna Torv, where they don't have to mask their accents at all, before I found out they were foreign, I'd hear Anna pronounce "tank" as "tahnk", or other words, and I'd be confused about why I was hearing an accent on some words and not 99% of the others. I went and imdb'd her. I already knew John was from elsewhere.  Looking forward to another 3 hour marathon tonight!

I'm SOOOO sad about my show being over soon. I'm going to CRYYYYY. (I say that a lot, and usually don't mean it, 'cuz crying induces headaches, and it's messy...just ugh, I hate to do it, but I probably mean it this time, like 80%...well, maybe 75%, k, more like...15%, but it's still possible.) I still want more Astrid! I don't think she's given enough props or anything.

Ok, back to things that are not fringe or gelato, so basically, I'm just a big ol' kid.

I can't even deny it if I try. And I have tried to before, it's just that...well, I still am. You know the saying, "you can choose to grow up, but growing old is mandatory" or something like that?

"I don't wanna grow up , I'm a toys r us kid". K, I've probably  beaten the horse to death with a bloody pole, or something.

Ooh, my laptop is going to die soon! 17%. ugh....blast, well, I guess that means I'll get to the rest next much for  "mini" update, though, huh?

Have fun, 'til next time! I'm off to get funky as per the usual tonight, and then I'll get fringey! ....cheesy much?

kk, bye!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Things that irk me to death on the bus.

I’m a frequent bus rider, so there are a LOT of things I see that maybe I would not have otherwise experienced had I driven a car most places (some things, however are outside, anyway, so if you’ve got windows, there’s no getting away, lol.)

Anyway, I’m pretty much an introvert, unless I’m with good friends. I do not like to socialize with strange people on the bus. Unfortunately, there are a lot of strange people on the bus. There are also smelly people.

I can understand that sometimes people are rushed out of the house with not even time to get dressed properly, but there’s such a thing as making time. I don’t have any children to get ready for pre-school or anything, so it really doesn’t matter what time I get up so long as I’m on the bus with ample time to dink around before school, and my clothes don’t matter because a of all) I’m not walking out like absolute trash, and b of all) I don’t actually have to look “professional”. (Being a bus rider, I’m not the only one who doesn’t, of course).

So, anyway, my most recent pet peeve was when I got onto the bus after a late lunch, and all of my bags/whatnots are comfortably adjusted. I begin reading, and am in my “comfy zone” which also happens to be the “do not interrupt!  
" zone.

Well, anyway, there I am, peacefully reading, minding my own business (and pretty much the only one on the bus), when this guy, obviously trying to start conversation says to me “you’re ready for winter, huh?” A of all) yes, it was cold when I left the house, and unless it’s uncomfortably hot for most people, I’m completely fine in a hoodie, this one was fur lined (fake fur, of course, ‘cuz it’s aeropostale), and b of all) I was wearing my bearclaw boots ‘cuz well, see above, it was COLD when I left the house, and to me, it was still cold outside. However, this is not “winter ready” to me.
I ignored him.

Did I ask him to interact with me? Obviously not. Was I the only one “ready for winter”, not that I observed. And in my opinion, I was not, in fact, ready for winter. I was ready for it to be 46 degrees outside when I left the house. And knowing that I was coming back late, it would again be cold once it got dark. Did I owe this freak any explanation? No. Am I being mean by calling him a freak? Yes. I just think that if someone is reading, they have every right to do so in peace. Of course, I'd get arrested if I verbalized my thoughts in these instances, 

I also hate when people try and talk to me when I’m wearing my headphones because 99%of the time, my music is on, and I can’t hear them anyway, I generally don’t know the answer to their question, and I’m again not interested in communicating with anyone when all I want to do is listen to my kpop. WHY is that so much to  ask? I don’t interrupt other people’s days uneccesarily.

I’m an introvert, I like to be left alone when I’m going about my business. Why is that so hard for others to comprehend?

Too bad this never works for me. :P

I know, I’m being dramatic. Do I care, obviously not, since I just ranted about it. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog layout

Hey, guys. The layout's probably going to change a lot until I finally get a setup I really like. I'm just browsing and fiddling right now. 

Cover it up! and Work.

Hi, all. I’m back with a work-related post, well, kind of, anyway. Just not the first three paragraphs, not including this one. 

     It’s really about clothing styles that irk me. The first is easy, leggings. To me, they are not pants. I don’t care if they have pockets now. If it is made of spandex or similar material, it is not outerwear. You may choose to wear them all you like in lieu of pants, go ahead, continue. Don’t take this personally. It’s just this:

      I am not out to stare at your ass or (as it’s been noted here, and apparently it’s rather prevalent) “camel toe”. No one wants to see that – well, there may be guys who want to, I guess, and it may just not be something you’ve thought of. Or maybe it has, I don’t know, it’s really your prerogative. I just happen to not like it.

Are there cute leggings? Yes, of course. Are they cuter with a skirt or shorts over them? In my opinion, yes. But that’s not the point of my post today. It’s going to be a rant, sort of, so sit tight.

        After I got off of work today, I was minding my own business on the bus, when I saw a girl get on with rather nicely done makeup. It may or may not have been gyaru style, but it struck me as such, initially. It was dramatic, anyway. She was really pretty, and so was her dress. … until I noticed that it wasn’t a dress when she went to find a seat (the bus was crowded, so I thought it was a dress for a long time). Once her outfit was in clear sight, I saw that the “dress” stopped about mid-hip. She had black “things that were not shorts” on under it, so I guess the world got a free show of her undies…needless to say, that is not what comes to mind when I think “cute outfit!”. I don’t know what happened to covering up, but it seems like while most people see to enjoy it, there’s a growing number of those who do  not.

       Now, back to work. I never actually talk about my work life, really. I only work weekends again (yeah, so much for “structure”), but I don’t mind that too much. So, anyway, work is like a big clique at my job. Probably because the main girls there all go to school together, and they’ve been working there for a long time, but they make it known when you aren’t accepted in their little group (it is rather small, right now. My former ride left, and despite having started on the same day as me, he was immediately accepted).

    I don’t mind so much now that I have people to talk to. My paleo buddy left, but I have Biker, Blue, and Black . Black is accepted in the group, but that doesn’t bother me, because we still talk.
You might be wondering why this seems like such a big deal, so I’ll tell you now. We work in the same part of the stand. I’ll only be dealing with nicknames for people just to keep privacy. (My real name isn’t even Olive, so…yeah.) There’s the Ringleader, Slim, and Twin. I don’t have anything against the group, personally, it’s just that work is not high school, and after months of feeling rather isolated, it’s just annoying.

     One thing that annoyed me last weekend was the fact that I never really talk to the ringleader (it’s a two-way street, of course. I’m just not the type to initiate conversation, and two of them seem to have the idea that I’d even think about stalking them…idk), but I was talking with Biker, the subject matter being my boyfriend, and the Ringleader decides to cut in and ask which building he works in.
I thought nothing of it, and since I’m not good at describing things, anyway, just said some stuff and went about my business. But after we were done tearing down, I realized what happened in that exchange, and it bugged me a bit.
  1. 1)   >.> …you never talk to me, but you want to know where my boyfriend works?
  2. 2)   …You were not a part of this conversation, and it concerns you in no way
  3. 3)   …Even if you did decide to come to his building, because of his job, you would not be there very long.

My boyfriend is a security guard. He also doesn’t like people, especially the nosy ones, I could list other attributes my boyfriend doesn’t like, but that’d be kind of rude, so I’ll leave off. I’m not saying that the Ringleader really even wanted to go see my boyfriend’s building, it was just all kinds of rude, in my opinion.
I guess nothing really happened today, except to reiterate my point that these girls think I’m going to stalk them, I over heard one of them saying that she was going to one of the temples I used to go to with someone else a couple of years ago. Thinking she was a regular and that I might have seen her there before, I asked if she goes there often. She got so scared for only G_d knows what reason (even if I were into girls, I’m very sure she would not be my type, and I’m not a stalker), and then I clarified that I knew one of the families that has been at the temple basically since it got started there.
Talk about self-absorbed. Really? I want to stalk someone? On one of their holidays no less? Someone I never talk to? Reallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? I'm seriously "not about that life"...

      Another incident is where the Ringleader was talking about this club I used to go to. I just told them some things they should know, because they were useful to me (the things I told her) And she got all shocked and asked if I go there. I told her that I hadn’t been in years, which is true, and I don’t actually plan on going to that club again, to be honest. I’d rather try a different one out for a change, but anyway, she turned around and shouted to J (who mind you is in his 40’s with 3 or 4 children) that he should join her and whoever else was going.

      Did I want an invite? No, because I really don’t want to associate with them outside of work if I don’t have to, mostly based on the way they act. Also, I have no intentions of visiting that club again in the future, no real reason other than that there are many other clubs I could go to, or there’s a sky bar I’ve been interested in for a while. Did I still find it incredibly rude? Of course. It may or may not have been, but the way I was raised, if someone tells you about something you should know, and you don’t want them to go to it, at least wait to invite the people/person you do want to hang out with once that person is gone.

       Oh well, rude or not, Karma gets everyone. Nice and not so nice alike. I like to believe I’m a rather nice person, but after being shoved around so much of my life, I’ve had enough. Now I stand my ground, and if you piss me off, you will be notified. If it was an accident, it can be worked out, if it was on purpose, you literally cease to exist to me. I’m not saying that I “get rid” of you, but outside of a professional manner or being minimally civil (if you are behind me and I’m going out of a door, I will hold it), expect no more than that.

         I’m sure we’ve also been through my character coming into question. I know I have good moral standing. If you tell me that I’m doing something morally wrong just because you aren’t getting in on the same deals, or whatever it is, and I know my morals are sound, you also don’t exist to me. You didn’t raise me, I didn’t grow up with you, and from the sounds of it, anyone calling my morals into question has to be jealous of something, because while I may not be perfect, I know right from wrong, and I do the right thing most of the time (unless it’s simply “the lesser of two evils”, in which case, there’s no winning, anyway).
Wow, what a rant. I think that’s all for now. It was a big, busy weekend since my boyfriend’s parents, brother and sister came into town. I was working during most of their stay, so I hope when they come by again I won’t be so busy. Also, his mom made some super delicious cherry pie. ^__________________________^ (My fave!)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hi, everyone! I finally got my circle lenses (you probably know this from my last couple of posts), but here they are, my Geo Natural Black Lenses. Remember this picture? 

Well, I'm wearing them now. I've been wearing them for about four hours now, and they are really comfortable. Well, they're more comfortable than last time. Right now, despite technical difficulties earlier today (I'll get into that later), the left one feels pretty natural, while I can feel the right one a bit. I'm not really sure why I can feel the right one, I couldn't earlier.

Anyway, Here's a pic of them in my eyes:
Sorry it's such a huge closeup of my eyes/nose, lol. I'm using my webcam right now.

They came with a cute piggy lense case:
I know, my "vintage" macbook pro, lol.

The good: I think they look pretty natural on me, I mean, yes, my eyes do look bigger, which was the goal. You can see here to compare:

The bad: I really don't think there is a "bad", I just have to get used to them. I'm still not used to poking my eye so often and having something slip around in there, but I do like the look of them. I'll definitely be coming back for another pair. 

The shipping: I think they shipped in a timely manner. I've heard that Pinky Paradise is the slowest of them all, but I've also heard that they're the most reliable from quite a few sources, so I don't mind if I have to wait two weeks for them to get here (I think they might have even gotten to me sooner, but I wasn't really tracking my order, to be honest, anyway.) 

So, here's the ranking: 
comfort: 4.5/5 because sometimes, I can feel them in there, this might be normal or a sign that I need eye drops, so I won't dock too much here. 
Design: 5/5 they are exactly the swirl pattern that I wanted!
Enlargement: 5/5. I think they get the job done nicely. ^_^
Source: 5/5. I fully trust Pinky Paradise, and I can't wait to buy from them again. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Review time! (last post didn't load)

This was supposed to be a hairspray review, but I don’t know how much you can really say about hairspray. I’ll talk about that a little bit, but there are a couple of other things I felt were more worthwhile to review, and I stumbled on them yesterday. The first is a lipstain I found: covergirl’s outlst lipstain. I got a deep shade, because I thought my two-tone but dark lips would benefit from a darker shade.
I’ll get to the lipstain in a second though, because I was supposed to talk about this hairspray that I rather quickly forgot about in the excitement of my other – more fun – finds.
The hairspray I got was Suave’s Extreme Hold, which looks like this:
It says that it’s unscented, but “ay, que olor!” Foul is one adjective that comes to mind when I have to hold a style with this.
Where “extreme hold” is concerned, yes, it does have that. It held my cute li’l piggytails for hours on fair day. I’d probably have still had them the next day if I hadn’t taken them down and slept so wildly…
Anysnooch, Let’s get on to the ingredients, shall we?
They are: water, dimethyl ether, SD alcohol 40-b, va/crotonates/vinyl neodecnoate copolymer, acrylates copolymer, aminomethyl propanol, sodium benzoate, cyclohexylamine, triethyl citrate, cyclopentasiloxane, sodium pca, masking fragrance, tocopherol, panthenol, butylene glycol, amp-isostearoyl hydrolyzed soy protein.
The feel: It reminds me of spritz, which I hated as a child (more for the fact that it stung than for it’s smell or the fact that it, too made my hair rather stiff and uncomfortable to touch). So, yes, as previously stated, it holds, and the hair feels stiff, as though it would break if touched roughly. (Don’t worry, it won’t. I kept touching my hair all day at the fair, and my spirals stayed until I took my hair down right before bed.)
The Verdict: While I love the hold, I’d rather have it without the stiff, cruncy feeling (which is why I always spray a coat or two of the next spray to soften it up quicker. You still get the hold, but it’ll feel nicer.)
Now onto my personal favorite hair spray. Unfortunately, I can’t remember who recommended it to me, but I thank them anyway.
Here it is:

Luster’s Pink Brand plus 2-n-1 scalp soother & oil sheen. I don’t think you can see the little straw, but it plugs into the spray nozzle, and you get a nice cool jet of soothing oil sheen directly on your scalp.
The scent is incredible! It smells just like cotton candy, which is my second favorite flavor after cherry anything.
The feel: It feels cool, refreshing, smooth, but yes, a bit heavy. Maybe I put too much on, and if you lean on anything accidentally (or on purpose, if it’s your habit), you’ll be doomed to see a bit of residue, unless it’s dried up. At least the residue will smell nice.
My hair really likes this stuff, and so do I. Though it’s probably not ideal for anyone with a really oily scalp. Mine’s pretty dry, so that’s another reason I use it.
Now, for this lip stain. I’m again comparing two. One I got today, the other I got a while ago, and kept just for these purposes…kind of…
So, the cover girl outlast lip stain 440 berry wink:

I thought it was pretty cute. The French bit just translates from English “lip stain”. It’s advertised to “feel 5x lighter than lipstick”. I haven’t used lipstick in a while, so I don’t know. Sure, I guess.
Here’s what happened when I put it on:

I only did the bottom to show what the top looked like when I used the other lip stain.  You can see that right here: 

I need to re-do my nails, of course, but this is my old lip stain. NYC smooch proof lipstain, 16 hr.
Here’s what it looks like on the top half of my lips: Absolutely nothing. It never really did work, unfortunately (so why keep it? I was hoping that leaving it upside down for a while would help, like maybe all the “stuff” was just at the bottom? ) Well, anyway, it didn’t work. Maybe it's because I had it for months, but I don't remember that one ever doing anything for me, actually, other than smelling nice. It could just be a color that doesn't show on my lips:

Somewhat disappointing...

The NYC one still feels wet, though. And it smells nice. My new covergirl one feels wet, applies, and it’s really bright, as you can see. It also lasts for a long time (It fades, and unless you let it dry before you drink something, it can fade pretty fast), but I put my lipstain on yesterday, and even after washing my face, my lips are still stained. I like the effect, ‘cuz at least my lips aren’t two-toned anyore.  The scent would be a nice addition, but it’s not strictly necessary.
Well, have a look at my quick make:

Now, my make with *lenses:

(you can see here that the lip sain has faded, but my lips are still stained, sure enough.) 

*in another post or two, I'll be reviewing my lenses as a first timer! I'm so excited!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I couldn't wait!

Here's my bb cream review.

I got maybelline's Dream Fresh BB cream. The tube says:
Maybelline New York Dream Fresh BB 8-in-1 Beauty Balm Skin Perfector Titanium Dioxide Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF30 Medium/Deep sheer tint. it's the 30 ml 1.0 fl oz size.  Heres a picture:

Sorry about the stuff on the sticker. I took it off once to read what the ingrediens were, and you know what happens when you peel a sticker off, especially if it's on something round...never sticks back on the same...

So anywho, the ingredients are (in this picture):

Let me know if you can't see some of these (I think you can enlarge the picture by clicking it), and I'll list them, later. Sorry, it got darker in here 'cuz it's about an hour after I took the first picture (I get REALLY distracted on the internet.)

On to the application:
It's really smooth, perfectly matches my skin tone. It feels really creamy, not too thick, just pleasant.
It blends really well, and it works as a great foundation for me. I'd give it five out of five cherries*, especially since it doesn't contain paraben, which I like to avoid because my mom is allergic to it in all of it's many forms, as a just in case.

Oh, but for the eight things that it's supposed to do: blur imperfections: I think it covers them up nicely.
Enhances: I don't know what it's supposed to enhance, really, but sure, it ehnanced the nice-lookingness of my hand (since that's where I applied it today). Brightens: That, it definitely does.
Adjusts to skin-tone: within reason, yes. This shade adjusted just fine. Smoohtes: yep. My left hand looks smoother than my right. Hydrates: Perhaps. SPF30 protects: Potentially. I've only worn it outside a couple of times so far, and I didn't really take notes on those days (also I was really busy at work (I work outside on the weekends)), so I can't say too well here. 0% oils and other heavy ingredients: sure. Though, about here is where I would tell them they should say "7-in-1", but that's just my opinion.

I did this today, because I just remembered that since my hours switched at work, I won't have internet on wednesday. I can do my hair spray review on thursday, I guess.

Some people grade/rate with hearts or stars, but since I love cherries so much, that's how I choose to grade/rate. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

So Many Changes!!!

It feels like there've been so many changes recently, but I could just be exaggerating, I don't know, really. Like my work schedule, most people have one that's pretty consistent, I think and I was happy to have that, only to have it changed when I came in yesterday. I still got to keep my shift, but now I'm switched to wednesday instead for next week. I was so happy with my last arrangement, but this one won't kill me.

Anyway, on to a more positive note. Well, not so much, I think. Today was pretty hectic and it's only 3 pm. Last night, when we came home from Funk Thursdays at the bar, there was a notice, so we ran around like headless chickens. All is well and everything is alright, but I already feel kinda worn out. :(

I'll be energized for work tomorrow, though. I'm sure. I'm keeping both of my weekend shifts, since they're early morning to early afternoon, which leaves the rest of my day/weekend to do whatever I want.

I want to do a product review, so I think I'll do Maybelline's bb cream, since i bought that recently, and I've been meaning to talk about it. If I buy another product, I'll probably review that as well. Oh, I also got a couple of hairsprays. I was watching a youtube video and it reminded me that I need some hair spray, but not to use on my hair. I don't remember what the video was or what I was supposed to use it on, but there's a hairspray that I like (well, there are two), and I really want to review. I'll probably do that around Wednesday, so I can continue to get a good feel of it, and I'll even get some pictures. It'll be a two-in-one, though, because, well, my Wednesday post will explain that.

I have to visit my school or find internet on Monday, which I won't mind, but I'm supposed to visit this chinese food restaurant with my boyfriend that I've never been to. He really likes it, though. I just hope I can find dairy pills in time (I know I can), because I'm super lactose-intolerant, but I love cream cheese wontons. So tasty.

I think that's probably it for now. I'm at one of my favorite coffee shops right now, mainly so I can download this book for my class. :P

Until later, everyone. Hope you all have a splendiferous weekend. ^___^

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Of both varieties (met and unmet).

Recently, I had an experience where expectations went unmet, and I'll elaborate in a second.

I was at the fair (my last post about the fair was just to keep it fun, and one post), with my friends and my man. We all stuck together throughout the day at a tag-along's request, although no one planned on separating, anyway. Not to the best of my knowledge, anyway.

Well, I lied, we got separated from the group when we went to get my wings, but I honestly thought they were right behind us (I walk really fast, especially when I'm excited about something ghost-pepper flavored), then when I got there, I realized that only half the group was there. We found the rest of them eventually, and we even left the fair once to get pizza (I don't know who wanted pizza, and I don't really care, cuz it was fun and we had ghost sauce on our pizza).

So when we got back, I wanted to ask about when one of the booths was coming, so I stopped for a second, the group went on while my boyfriend asked at the booth. The group went on a bit, stopped for a second, and then continued walking after having a chat.

This is where I got a bit irritated. The entire day, if one or two wandered off, the whole group would come up, or at least hang around and send one other person to ask what was going on, then we'd all either stay and continue our route, or collectively team up and head in a new direction. As you can imagine, by now it was dark, so I couldn't see the group once they were a ways off.

And no text. I know it goes both ways, but two people in the group had my number, and I only had one of theirs, but I was busy trying to find them, google the light show starting time (I'd never seen one before until that night), and walk in the dark.

I don't know or really care what happened once we left because no one listened when I told them the light show time, and one of the guys texted me when it ended to ask what time it would be starting. All I could tell him was that they missed it and we were leaving. I went to the bazaar before we left, and I don't know if they caught the fireworks, because I wasn't aware that any would be going on (they also asked about fireworks). I got some last-minute taffy, and the two trinkets you saw in my last post.

Communication really is key, because had we all communicated, perhaps we would have all caught the light show, I wouldn't have been irritated, and the night would have had a more pleasant ending, but I got to spend the rest of it with my man, and we had a blast, anyway. That's what counts.

So, if your expectations aren't being met, let the other party know.

But this reminds me, there were expectations I had for someone, that I communicated to them, and all I got back was verbal confirmation that they would not be met, likely out of spite. I didn't know I was supposed to look for a change in behavior, because I was told that there would not be one. I won't elaborate on the matter further, but I will say this: You can't notice a change in behavior if you were told that the behavior would not change (so you won't look for it, of course). The expectation for you to notice something is not apparent because you don't know it is supposed to be. This is unfair to both parties, because while one is making a concerted effort to change their behavior, they told the first party that they would not, which leaves the other party feeling however they told you they would feel about the behavior that they wanted change.

That was probably too specific, and if it is, I apologize, it was just to say that if you have an expectation out of someone, tell them, and see if you can find an agreement that works for the both of you.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The fair was so much fun!!!!

You have no idea! I got to meet up with most of my guys, and do most of the things I wanted to do. I even got to do a couple of extra things that I didn't really intend to, either. It was pretty fun. I got this snake and elephant right before the fair closed. They are so cute!

I attempted to do something with my nails (on the bus, no less.) I'm sure you can't tell that it's blue/purple each other nail, but that's what i did. And I spiraled my piggy tails. 

Here's my outfit of the day, don't mind the badge, but I wore a skirt and my favorite longer shirt. 

The guys next to each other in red and black shirts are two of my buds, they went on the big slide together. 

I was just trying to track them on my cam. Yay for action shot mode!

They really enjoyed it. If I didn't have a skirt and had remembered the slide was there, I'd have gone, too!

The Unit: G, Timmy, my boyfriend, me, and Rick. We were missing B. 

Ghost wings! Hot!

They no longer sell the sauce. :'(

Alton's Ghost wings. 

Timmy says my boyfriend and I took it like G's. (We forgot he's sensitive to spice, so I bought ice cream after. Sorry Tim!) 

See, 'Twas no problem!

A strawberry cone and Mint bonbon Ice cream. So refreshing.

More later, class is about to start!
